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What is a Cabinet pump control (SHUN)?

, 18:00
0 2198

If in General, the control Cabinet pumps were designed with a single goal – to provide full pump control in manual and automatic modes. With all of this you can be simultaneously monitored up to 6 pumps with power from 0.75 to 315 kW.

the Level of liquid that enters the storage tank and the pressure in the water line on the appropriate level are maintained using special sensors (automation).

Remember that they can be integrated into 1 well of the existing SCADA systems.


the purpose of the control Cabinet pumps

SHU are applied in different fields, including such areas as:

  • irrigation;
  • food;
  • chemical industry;
  • water;
  • fire fighting;
  • heating systems, ventilation or air-conditioning;
  • cold / hot water supply.

advantages of SHUN:

  • select the adjustment mode;
  • a couple options launch-direct (relay) with frequency converters and soft starters;
  • the information content of the system;
  • high resistance to various failures;
  • simultaneous operation with a pair of analog sensors;
  • the control input and the pressure line.

Functional groups

According to the method of launch (auto mode) is SHU with direct or soft start. Regardless of the method run, absolutely all control systems must:

  • to provide a working algorithm that matches each individual case;
  • be setup on spec. stands and checking for compliance with GOST;
  • to ensure adequate supply of power (reliable power supply).

Existing algorithms

the pump Control occurs at the 1st of the 2 modes:

  • with Automatic control. Stop or start the pump depends directly on the difference between the specified and the current manifold pressure;
  • Manual control. In this case, there is involuntary testing or running of the pump.

Remember that the start-up of standby pump occurs only when a primary pump fails, and to stop functioning the pump can only directly – disconnect from the mains.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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