11 principles of healthy eating
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11 principles of a healthy diet is very important for all people. They will not only help to keep yourself in shape, but also to strengthen your health.
thethe Main principles of healthy eating there are:
- the Principle of necessity - eat only when hungry. Calories required for work and livelihood. the
- the Principle of sufficiency - the main meal - a portion of 300-400 grams at a time. Do not overeat because the stomach stretches, and then require more and more food to feel full. the
- the Principle of assimilation of food must have the proper cooking process, and when eating food you need to chew the food well. No matter how much you have eaten - it is important how much of it you learned. the
- the Principle of security - watch what you consume. Try not to eat products with nitrates, well handle the fruits and vegetables before eating them. the
- Principle of choice - select high-quality products, do not skimp on them. Follow the genuineness of the products and check their quality. the
- the Principle of a structured diet - you should remember the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. More extra pounds you can get from the simple carbs and the wrong fats. the
- the Principle of adequacy - to follow the selection of products. Not "proofread" advice on the Internet and do not put the experiments on his own body. the
- the Principle of seasonality, the quality of the products we select for the season. You should choose seasonal fruits and vegetables.
- the Principle of combining in the process of losing weight should take into account the principles of combination products. So, for better absorption need not separate food and correct combination. So, it is not necessary to eat vegetables together with fruits, and meat with rice or potatoes. the
- the pleasure Principle - eat foods of which get pleasure. A healthy diet is not purely a limitation in the products and portions, and tracking the composition and the correct combination between them.
the pause Principle - one day in two weeks you can do : yogurt or vegetable, post. But keep in mind that this can be done only when there are no contraindications. the
Now you have learned the principles of a healthy diet, but every person has its own characteristics, so in the preparation of nutrition programs and trainings conducted individual testing.
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