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Pobutova wash air Aic XJ-256

, 16:43
0 1952

Sdavalsa b civilizacia brought us many chogo useful I nabagato polegshie us life, ale in the same hour vinilla so relevant for today problem of the Yak zabrudnennya air. Scho are Robit? Yak conception dihati on own breast, though from their Osel? Answer is simple: pridbati mico air Aic XJ-256, by the way, do TSE you can at the Internet magasin: .

AIC (Air Intelligent Comfort) - TSE talischi manufacturer klimatyczne techni, that popularni have slomo civilizovannogo in, where, de people dbauth about quality air, Yakima dhauti. Prelude, that vipuska AIC, long zavoevali mcno Dovre zadaci nezmeni quality, funkcjonalnosc that economos.


All products brand AIC got number desaparecido periwig:

  • TSI pestro z uspga storyurl comfort Ladin wmove, so Yak give molist dosage same jobs Runa Wolgast I is cleansed - VI Sami viberate potribni pokusniki for quality air;
  • nizk Somov features dozvoliti comfortable docility, the pokey prelude pratsyuyut for you;
  • Acimovic economy have vicorian electroenergy, to your budget not duzhe postrada from h prebenda.

Klimatyczne complex AIC XJ-256 ? suchasnimand osisuali-volosovichi air z optymalnym set ninoshka functions I fltr. TSE VDMA rsina problems for Patrice comfort Runa Wolgast in primmed, and also efficient is cleansed I nezarazene air, vidalina neprimena zapachu. Easy I trust have vicorian - sche one Peravia tsogo attach.


Features AIC XJ-256:

  • gdata (wash air);
  • photocatalytic is cleansed;
  • ansata the air;
  • UV-obrobka the air;
  • pryrodne svalorna;
  • Noni ;
  • electrone management;
  • cyfrowy display
  • 7-kolorowe pdsva.

Zadaci to, scho this klimatyczne complex swalow air prirodnim path, volage in cmnt Nikoli not bod? duzhe many - riven vdese Wolgast postijno Patronus in borders comfort.

With Bagan be otkluchit be-Yak z functions: UV-lamp or photocatalysis set a protective filter, OnStar - salecause only svalorna or function is cleansed air. If W in ACIS point you not bude potrebna Adna function, zadaci Semikolenova pdsavy be zastosowania device Yak ncnc.

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Author: Artlife
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