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Mongolian tea with milk

, 19:19
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Mongolian tea with milk Artlife

Mongolian tea with milk and salt - a traditional drink for the steppe peoples, which has a long history. Tea for Mongol - if not all, almost everything. Quite often it is the only food for the nomads, which supports and gives life force for many days. Fragility of the boundaries between food and drink - a distinctive feature of the national Mongolian cuisine.

To get acquainted with its secrets, not necessarily to become guests of the hospitable tent. You can try "Mongolian tea with milk" tea bags, milk and exotic salty taste that will leave no one indifferent.

In addition to taste, do not forget the benefits. The combination of black and green tea has powerful antioxidant - slows aging process, maintaining water-salt balance, stimulates the metabolism, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, stimulates mental and physical activity.

Nutmeg, contained in the drink, giving it a distinctive flavor. In addition, the invaluable useful properties of nutmeg: it can enhance memory and nervous system, has a stimulating and toning actions. It also contains essential oil, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1, B2 and B3, dietary fiber, saponins. The essential oil of this aromatic nut contains linalool, dipentene, geraniol, pinene and ovgenol.

"Mongolian tea with milk" is enriched with vitamins A and C, which help protect the body from the effects of stress, increase resistance to infections and have anti-inflammatory action.

Nutritionists recommend drinking "Mongolian tea with milk" in the morning - for confidence and courage, and a day - to set the mood.

Author: Artlife
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