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Translation of personal documents: the main features

, 16:03
0 2253

nowadays, people had the opportunity to travel, study and work abroad. For this it is necessary to know a foreign language and to translate personal documents into the language of the country in which he wants to go, because without that they will not have legal force.

that is why, to date, translation of personal documents has become a very popular service. Translation of various certificates, diplomas, passports, labor books needed directly when going abroad – for obtaining a visa, work, study etc.

the Translation of these documents requires not only knowledge, but also the precision, care, accuracy. Translation and original document must be absolutely identical, does not contain discrepancies and disagreements. Special attention should be paid to write dates, names, organisation names, etc., even the occasional typo and the slightest mistake can lead to very serious problems directly when applying to a particular authority.

it is Extremely important to pay special attention to the correct registration of personal documents as they are translated. Also vital in the translation of personal documents is privacy. Often, translation of personal documents needed in the subsequent attestation or seal periodicheskogo Bureau or notarized, depending on the requirements to the certification. That is why we suggest, if possible, always specify the entire list of documents to be translated and the type of their certification - all this will help you to save money and also save time.


That refers to personal documents?

To this kind of document include:

  • the diploma and its annexes;
  • authorization;
  • passport (by the way, you can in the language centre "Litera":;
  • employment history;
  • the certificate of registration, etc.;
  • certificate of ownership;
  • certificate of divorce, marriage, birth;
  • certificate of criminal record or its absence;
  • of Bank statements, proof of salary.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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