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Scho Takeo dermatology?

, 11:10
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Dermatology je one s napramku medicine. Won Seimas vivchennya Scrooge pokriva, hair, ngtv, slizova of obolonok (primarily h budovou I functions). Have widen for this reason Galus znahoditsya I zacharovanna SCRI. Here it is important to viyavlennya of the reasons Chi hogo zacharovanna, dagnostika, and also more optimal first resultative treatment.

Osoblivi stribok from the development of dermatology zrobila 20 Stolt, order z uspshnomu otkrityi in monolog, alergolog, mcrobot. From this period science razvivalas in the main in eksperimentalno-klonoa napramku, vivaci mehandi zakonomernost development of scrna zakhvoryuvan.


Surgery today

Suchasna science vigorito techno doskonale zasobi I technology, scho dozvolyayut more details zaymatysya vivchennya budowy SCRI I rskogo kind of changes , under these Chi HIH porushenych munno, endocrine systems, and also when zacharovannyj ski scho nasati Allergy, virusni ABO bacterially character.

Dermatology pragna of napraviti whole svy [potential] rozrobka effektivnih vbnewline healthy will scroge pokriva, hair I nhtv. Bike pay attention pridelena vivchennya factors, POV'yazanyh s processes starna I SMY SCRI. Vcen simauta rozrobka lorsica preparat for treatment RSNA screech of hvorob, including POV'yazanyh s venerology.

Dermatology is to put questions about such stupni efektivnost], Yak laserna and phototherapy monotherapy; Chi Dole skin in the specific case of priznakami Chirurgie virochana.

ciogodnichnyu day dosite many people Strada rsname forms scrna zakhvoryuvan, that vimagati complex of systematic approach in dagnostic lkwfan. Prodno role in this process vdhr likar dermatologist. By the way, parmacy know about those de in Moscow it is possible posluhat lecz pass the Kursi for dermatolog VI can sit: .


To naybilsh polirani dermatology zakhvoryuvan to nalezhat:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis
  • atopy dermatitis;
  • Prosti herpes.

Dwellers of postaviti correct diagnosis, likar in the first cargo, provoditi usually look around scrna pokriva. Dermatologist orts and on zagalni mill ski pant. Before dodatkowa] obtienne saranovych doscopy I proven, x - ray hemography; tak laboratory dozen, Yak: mcrosson I bohmont anali.

One s naybilsh effektivnih] Dolce scrna novootvoreni today ? Secopa scho dozvola details wincati h structure. Wailevu role in lchavan scrna zakhvoryuvan graut General I msava drug therapy, special DTA. Also shown colorterapia (thalassotherapy - treatment by sea).

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