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Certification of workplaces

, 10:36
0 2448

The enterprises of different types, which can be quite detrimental to the statethe body worker, where the works with machines that carry the risk of worker safety is very important in such enterprises, because you need to preserve life and health, this was the reason that started n on working conditions.

This certification is often needed in order to simply otreguliRowan Typically, the ratio of the employer directly and workers who work under conditions that may adversely affect quite so bad health.

For so the title of the most accurate adjustment was for her to draw up attestation commission, which immediately follows the right, etc.ovozhdeniem certification. Create such a commission in the event that it is elementary provided in the collective agreement and composition must often change as often as every 5 years.

Certification is carried out in terms of the establishment of the company, depending on the danger of doing the job. In this certification, which want to spend unplannedmust have a lot of evidence from both the working and the part of the authorities, participation may also take the sanitary-epidemiological service, if we are talking about changing the type of activity.

In carrying out this certification may be present as some doctrine with various organizations in order to ensure transparency soWhich certification. But while all responsibility for certification is undeniable employer or head of the company.

Author: Artlife
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