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Scho Takeo gemila?

, 23:05
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"Gene gemila - ​​Neville, spackova zacharovanna scho Velika porsenna Shortandy crow I Vraja kids coloco stat (divchata not hvoriyut on gemilo, ale , noami gene Gamil)", - rozkazu Nna Astafurova-Yatsenko - head pravlinnya Charitable Foundation “Diti h gemill": .

zdorovo person when vdrift Cavotec vkluchaetsia which mehanizm - krov pochine shortlist, resultat chogo uterus sgustok, that sakriba the hole in uszkodzony Sudan. And ailing on gemilo shelter is not shortest. This means TSE, scho lad ABO people, yakogo darnestown zacharovanna gemila, Mauger poorti after zvychayno, traumi, resultat ako otkrylasya cravatica.


Scho Velika zacharovanna?

All the right in pahojen horobi - won Vinica have a quiet one # gene Gamil. NavNet this gene perform before, that crow vdst shortuts factory. I have zdorovo person nalcosa more 10, oznachayut h Rimskij numbers. Often the gene Gamil provoke vastly factor VIII I IX.

TSE today, students versaute genetics the challenge on gemilo, and kolis Takeo zacharovanna, Yak Bulo gemila not domim Ludin. Ale TSE not this means, scho oznaki gemil not viewslisa. Starodavnjaja Talmud (SVD rainy I of pravovih polozani udasa) can be sniti domest about those scho not lads Mirali after optane through Cavotec. At ti chasi TSE POV was asuvale zi sign shore at once zacharovanna namagayutsya, poperegay in advance. Oskolki gemila peredaetsa spadoc, brought controllati neogumanisty in family s, de vono je simanim. It is believed, that Rodin, de gemilo hvor only people, not povinn Araguaia Ducati Taku watt rekomendatsi pereryvami. Tim Yam family, in yakih yea Inca nom Gamil, square od addition, hvor , people, Chi hi, not rekomendatsi mother's parenting General.

Vpershe gemilo Yak zacharovanna dential CNTs only in the XVIII century. On sogodni known that exactly scho zacharovanna really Neville, I was of course, ' my daughter's father, ailing on gemilo not hvoriyut on TSE zacharovanna. All right, znovu W at genetic: newborns Ducato padavana from dad Smena chromosome Houston and s, compensates materinske chromosome.

Naivas Inca-stick horobi - Queen Viktoriya. Gemila, Yak viyavilos - TSE spatcave zacharovanna britansko korolivska family*. Queen Viktoriya the people atioh nine kids. Gemila was the reason smart tilki ODN . detini: Prince Leopold died through STRATO crow after padna zi skhodu. In addition, spadkova gemila cornulaca has three kids, korolevi: a three doniki - Beatrice, Viktoriya I Also Boule noami zacharovanna. Thus, the gene Gamil for DOPOMOGA slubnych contact required yazkiv peredast dynasties, that ruled Velikobritanii, Yugoslav, Roman, Dan, Svec, Norveg, Span, Nmachine, Graz navti Russie. Carica Oleksandr, the retinue of the king Mykoly, Bula Hukou, Koroleva Vctor I daughter Princesa Also. Gene gemila, Yak, mi znamo z istori?, Brazil Prince Oleksiy.

Navti s such a simple butt visible scho usedcount Gamil vdbase not always. Popelkova bude stverdzhuvati scho usedcount Gamil vdbase 100 % most cases, the I scho blue from mater-NASA will obov'yazkovo worimi. In order dwellers to understand, scho TSE not, it should be vdates to the basics of genetics: padkamenne Gamil lad vdbase will nastepnym rank: hvoriyut tilki ti blue, that especually packageno chromosome.


Oznake Gamil

Not always usedcount gemil this means ranny death for detini. Yea bagato most cases, if people, that hospodkova gene Gamil, dogiva to 70-80 years. The most important thing - TSE early dagnostika zacharovanna gemila axis chomu is important nobility I svitati pay attention to tak oznaki Gamil:

  • velicity number sinzu on tili, ditini;
  • cast Cavotec s nose;
  • shelter vaiko, supinity navti after netacnih partv or injuries.

it is believed scho viewcase oznaki zacharovanna proyavlyayutsya in addition vipadku, yakscho vono proto easy form. Often genetic gemila it turns out after vidalina ABO treatment subv, after travmy.

Ale South I more seriesn formation dano horobi scho protcet s harakternymi symptoms through scho shte prodanovci , it is possible to vipolnena ditin rock. Widaut zacharovanna tak oznake:

  1. Ushkodzhennya suglobov. Pochynayetsya stench z Krivovichev in suglobov Poronin, that are z if dytyna pochine, walks. In this case, groovelily spottergijs in lkth, Galco I Kolno and promeneuse AST, mesosternal I Plechov aglobe stradaut RDSA. If farther upstate tak simptomi I don't Primate Vdovin come, spadkova gemila can become the reason nvest h, ditini;
  2. Cavotec in slonkova-tiskovou tract, yaki proyavlyayutsya bluetoo, shojou on kawowo grounds, chornie feces, Chervona crow Yu, Yak witch s Premo intestine or the company;
  3. ToRobotech in secolele system. Vynikajuci without reason, or through travmi popereka, slaviana asprino, proyavlyayutsya peavoy crow in sec;
  4. Groovelily in nervous Sistemi. So oznaka Gamil sustris RDCO, ale je great nebezpeku for the person. If vinicne ouragenda spinal Mosco, the person of Mauger pochteca Paral ABO paresis. If gemila the mill cause krivovicheva in mozok, Ladino Mauger vratiti nsult;

according, Naivasha vipadkah gemilo digestauth vzhe after narodzhennya, detini - gravotech s Pupkova wounds, that vaiko, supinity, great cephalohematoma and takozh, scho shelter pochine resupine, tecti after nakladnich medichnih procedures: fence crow, unotron Livani LCV toscho.

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Author: Artlife
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