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More optimal treatment of poruseni harchova Povedniki

, 18:54
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"Primarily Varto skazati, scho in lchavan of harchovih of salineta need Clini pdhd, yaky bi Kaplunov at least three of the constituents of a healthy lyudskogo life: bezposrednio tlo (ukljucujuci formuvannya healthy stavlennia to postat I I ale so it flies to enter formuvannya healthy stavlennia to such speeches Yak ficn navantazhennya, winna rasslablyatsya I docility, Tonka rozumna vsih needs organza), vnutri world of the person (at least I razumeti, virgate svo? pochuttya, peredivannya EmOC), as well as a social riven - rsena problems, Tim Chi him rank provocati nestorova stavlennia to I I in General to yourself," respond mazuryk Volodymyr Mykhailovych - spivrobitnyky center vivchennya roslav harchova Povedniki “Remedy”: .


Recognition horobi

Perche folding step to treatment - TSE > the most sick I Yogo relatives scho treatment neophane, and scho without qualla help you abitia. TSE Mauger sainati bagato hour I forces Yak - , hvori Radic usually nedootsinyuyut nebezpeku will be. I Tim not less nivalis - TSE viznati scho hvori VI I you neophane treatment. TSE what to do, Oskolki primosole treatment not only not borne by buyer result, but often niemozliwe.

Vonatok becoming. anorexia, if pochatkova Etap potrebne primosole statename the treatment, Yak to the ailing real life zagrozu nebezpeka.

HIH vipadkah lachey nod potrebne specalty statename treatment on pochatkova Etap treatment, de vbnewline Vaga I normal funktsionuvannya organza.

from the Square, Chi sortase hvori to inpatient treatment Chi hi, for Aduana Patran to dosit trivaly hour - from 1-th of I bilshe rokiv, whichever from going fallow. Serednya trevally treatment 2-3 rocky.


Multidisciplinary pdhd

Yak pokazu sagalovoy Dowd, naikrashe treatment, Yak daº best result - TSE multidisciplinary pdhd, that usually naybilsh povno perhaps sdisney in special lcoally centers.

Multidisciplinary pdhd vkluchi to gramotne pognana declick vidv treatment:

  • nduwa therapy;
  • grupowe therapy;
  • simeyna therapy;
  • robot s tlom;
  • navchannya right rasslablyatsya, vdovine I Volodi help our defenders Tom (often yoga or relaxation) and vyslovljujut svo? EmOC;
  • Dag, ABO learning a healthy way harchuvannya.

according For the data in this pdhd to treatment problems harchuvannya the povna vyzdorovleniya Nasta have polovini hvorih, castkova - school 25 %.


Ndial psychotherapy

osnov outpatient treatment lezhit psychotherapy, Yak spamaway on:

  1. psychologiczny Patrico;
  2. vdvojne from nevastane dumok Pro go, love fgura;
  3. normalsize the time utilized g;
  4. usunennya DNA samooborony;
  5. paviment samootsenki I Vpevnenist in sobi;
  6. zahajena the sense that clay life;
  7. Polpharma vsambien s blizkimi I storoni people;
  8. virshina gitta Trutnov.

Nedan controlaban wirabuana showed scho when lkuhn bulb psychotherapy dozvola yuvati attacking objeclives W will nastepnym rezvantseva efektivne, than medicamentosa treatment, and an Addendum lorsica zasobu to psychotherap not improves the result.

Ndial psychotherapy - TSE not just a robot s psychologist tete-a-tete. TSE therapy, Yak specjalno storytime pid features skin Clit I can in myself vkljuciti odne ABO be called a few more napramku psychotherap. Tak Yak:

  • cogntive-povedinka therapy;
  • robot s emotsii;
  • stvorennya mast osobisty plan of life;
  • art therapy;
  • psihoanaliz the IR.

Grupowa psychotherapy

the Yak of course s I say, I therapy be conducted in group. Group of people W Rosedale harchova harchuvannya got a number of osoblivosti through scho no Mauger group vkljuciti yourself more 9 people (naikrashe TSE 6-8).

Grupowe psychotherapy can buduvati for CLICOM napryamki. Have group Mauger provoditsya robot tooran terap, robot s medium I social povedinka, obgovarivaetsya some power osobitost. Takozh mozhut provoditsya Grupo zanyattya conducted by s smano therap.


a groupie Patrice

special TV news meeting place simauto a groupie Patrice. The stench malefaction for people that stradaut on bulma ABO anorexy, ale dobre doomgate people s compulsive oberlist. Sposterezhennya pokazhut scho tak a groupie pthalate bulma on ostanni stages of treatment.


Simeyna psychotherapy

in this regard'yazku s Tim scho grown I Naglis problems anorexics, bulkv I compulsivly Manager POV and Asan in the first cargo s family u, it's desirable, dwellers time iz zaleznik had been in therapy, and also otrimali relief I patriku all members of the Yogo family*.

Right in the fact scho in cogni Rodin s hour Kladusa stick Usain - mizh members. Bulk, pochinayuchi, Primate psychotherapeutic relief, vihodit s Tsikh zvocnih Usain, storyyy Novi, more adequate for Demba. Powerhouses znovu in the family of Yu, in which TSI vancini nhto not Patria, ocrm Demba VIN of zmuszeni znovu "tagomatic" Stari, I znovu poverties to two problems.


Tisno therapy

s Rosedale harchova Povedniki prisutna so the title zaborina on EmOC, Yak supraforums postijno nadruhou nevmenyaem rasslablyatsya . . virgate emoz.

in order dwellers treatment horovogo RosLada passed uspsa I don't povtoryatsya to maibutnyogo, Tsim people need scitica semati naprugu, proyavlyat svo? EMI, caravati them vmti h pokusavati I don't boetica tsogo.

For podno schedule s emotsii nails pthalate RSN ViDi schedule s tlom, Yak stink navcat razumeti consumer I there is a will their TLA, vchat h zdislavice.

To telenova vidv terap otnosjatsja:

  • art therapy;
  • muziko therapy;
  • tantsevalno therapy;
  • daalna therapy I NSA psychology robot s Tom.

at A time to podni vidv terap wanasari also yoga therapy, qigong th INSHI sign methods ozdorovlenija organza.


Dog ABO soproud dog

dog Robot Mauger Buti sent  for Eyad napryamki:

  1. Vvedennya hvorih zdorov in principle, harchuvannya, pognana products and the other;
  2. Sprawd ailing. TSE captcha Modena robot prisvyacheno fact, dwellers cogni Ludin, stvoriti sweeya of osobisty plan, style I graft harchuvannya. Taqiy plan vrhovo ndial Smakov passion, medicin Chilena, zwicki I psihologom features cogno person.

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Author: Artlife
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