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The main objectives of implantation are contraindications, types

, 17:10
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Today, dentalcal prosthesis, ie the replacement of missing teeth, it is impossible to imagine without implantation. And if recently implantation was perceived by many as an experimental technique, but today all over the world is a standard method of replacement of missing teeth, which gives a more predictable and long-term results than the traditional withWays of prosthetics - bridges and dentures.

Dental Implants - this is not the real roots of the teeth, which are made from titanium and set in   jaw, or rather her bone in the area of ??missing teeth.

The main tasks of implantation

The first - it does not prevent the preparation or pojavlix « sawdust » healthy teeth for the manufacture of the bridge, because it is proved that the teeth, which act as a support for such a prosthesis significantly weakened, and in some years there is a significant risk of loss.

The second - is to avoid wearing dentures , even in the absence of teeth. Such ProtePS, no matter how high quality they may be, are removable, and it creates an extraordinary psychological discomfort for the person. In addition, prolonged use of such structures leads to bone loss, and it makes them periodically adjust or completely processed, and eventually the bone can be reduced so that they establishplantatov will be impossible.

Setting the dental implant - a surgical procedure, which can be compared with traumatic simple surgical procedures such as tooth extraction.

Modern implantation involves not only the provision of perfect function, ie, the possibility of chewing food, but also achievementsof the aesthetic result. In the dental clinic Dentaldiamond considerable attention given to the work of the soft tissue (gingiva), on which depends largely on aesthetic crowns on implants, as well as patient comfort when using them.

In some cases, when a significant place bone loss and requestsTaya implantation impossible, uses sophisticated techniques bone augmentation, such as a fence bone blocks or lifting the bottom of the maxillary sinus.

Contraindications to implantation

As with any form of medical intervention, there are contraindications to implantation. Contraindications can be divideds into two groups-this medical condition (for health reasons) and temporary or relative.

Medical contra

For medical contraindications include health problems that preclude surgical intervention, or may significantly complicate them. These are: problems with itimmune systems are, problems with the nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine diseases, osteoporosis, blood diseases, cancer, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, diabetes.

Time or relative contraindications

This is when the cause can be eliminated. Theseinclude pathology bite, periodontitis, insufficient bone diseases of the oral mucosa. Insufficient volume of bone can be removed with the help of bone grafting - in the right place is introduced special material (it can beat the artificial material or own bone). In the case of the upper jaw can be held socalled sinus-lifting lifting- in the maxillary sinus mucosa with subsequent filling of bone material.

The essence of installing dental implants

After all the preparatory stages (removal of relative contraindications) and carry out the necessary research made a 3D model of yourthe jaw and in full-size special templates for implantation with holes in places where the implant will be installed. With the help of such a template physician implants staged in exactly the planned locations.

There are two main types of implantation:

  • one-stage (when installed on themplantat immediately set orthopedic design);
  • Two-stage (when the implant and installing crown separated in time).

Two-stage implantation

The most predictable is a two-step. In the first stage you install them yourselfplantat and covered his gums. During the next 3-5 months passes osteointegration (engraftment) implant. The process of "healing" of the implant is controlled by the X-ray diagnostics. To move to the second stage on implants installed conditioners gums - a special plugs which are formed around the gums, as around EstesTwain tooth.

During the second stage in the implant abutment set. Abutment - a transitional design between the crown of the tooth and implant. Orthopedic surgeon removes the special prints, transmits them to study in the laboratory. Dental technicians make the crown of the tooth, which is installed on the abutment.

Author: Artlife
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