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Blood glucose meter: Scho TSE take?

, 07:31
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Glucometer nazivaetsa device for vimiryuvannya Runa glucose, bezposrednio in organic rdineh (shelter, lquor TA INSHI). Glucometry vykorystovuyutsia for dagnostika will uglevodnogo obmenu people, hvorih on tsukrovyi diabetes.

Nepravilna harchuvannya scho harakterizuetsya naglaskom girl I uglevodov, street, malorosii method of zhittya - TSE lachey onown chinnici scho spruyt development of diabetes. As to dosit rdkna, 21 Stolt TSE zacharovanna became one of the most popular s on our planet, scho bagato lcars vzhe pochinayut say about Adamu diabetes. I newts forecasting: Yak uvajaut experti UN Galus receptionists health protection, number of people s cu Kedougou, nayblyzhchym hour bude tilki zbrisati.

Today, diagnosis of diabetes SOSM not what virokom, and people, that stradaut on Qiu hvoroba, celcom mozhut lead taqiy also an active method of life, Yak , VSI INSHI. However personagem patanam, od yakogo hour saleit h life, yea mozliwosci controllati riven cukru in crow dwellers Unicode Yogo niekontrolowanego decline ABO pdiau, and if RSC oscillations still vabolis - stignata of Viti vsih neophane zachodu.

Treatment I prevention tsukrovogo diabetes peredacha zastosuvannya nsolo (if debit pershoho type), ficn navantazhennya I DTU. When vicorian nsolo ailing strictly necessary datamovie DTI, obserwuje spodivannya viacatarina I I guglevoda. When n ccah nsolo also necessary vimercati riven cukru in crow. TSE mozhna to do rsname ways. For example, DOPOMOGA .


Troch history, ABO Yak z'yavylysya, glucometry

CNC 50-Kh rokiv view from the past century, Boule rotable test strips for analso glucose in such system Kllx, and in crow system Detracts. Proposed clast glucose them Wabusaana usuale, way porwnania s etalonom scho much vplivali on pogibko vimiryuval.

70-x rocky z'yavylysya pers priladi for analso test strips, I called glucometers. The principle h d of zasnovani on pretvoren signal vdbiol plastic from Povarovo test strips in clsi pokaznyk Runa glucose. There is the toll-the two can vimiryuvannya - photometrische, zasnovane on anals formuvannya indicator when reacts crow I enzyme test strips spectrophometers; I electroni, zasnovane on Wiman elektrycznego the Struma scho Vinica when reacts glucose s active rakovinou.

For CIR glucometer vykorystovuyutsia test strips, that need Bulo prominate skin after usage. TSE Boule, glucometry pershoho pokolinnya. At a time not stink vykorystovuyutsia.

Away vdoskonalennya priladiv have prispelo to stvorennya glucometers other pokolinnja s test strips scho stirayutsya. TSI, glucometry dozvolyayut brothers shelter is not tilki s palza, ale I s hand ABO peredelka, in total, ski Pacto which is very convenient. For proposed rvna glucose dostatno neveliko craps crew (1 - 3 µl). Results vividata on the display device the push stroke 5 - 30 seconds.

Identity is not wonderful, scho on ciogodnichnyu day descriptions type glucometers , a najpopularniji napolitanki. To nedavnego hour bogatom navti sdavalsa scho perversity h bude practical nemozhlyvo.

However tenni Progres not state on f, and the axis vzhe virobnichi glucometer released on the market aparati third pokolinnya. H basically vdnet from poperednica polega in fact scho now vimr Runa cukru in crow vdbase not periodic, and postijno.

Danian effect can dosagetake rsname ways: for example, pid screw pacta Mauger perebesti toneka golka deserves one, DOPOMOGA ako I are all neobh vimi s pevnou periodicly. That W itself is a function of z uspehom wykonujace I osoblivi sensor-implantant, Villani pid scro.

estimation glucometer third pokolinnja nagado great clock, zakrepleniya on Sep AST, but I can noitice on Poas. In addition montara, yaky to livaditis graft scho riven Dobraja cukru in crow, corpus je sche be called a few more buttons. The stench dozvolyayut vnesite in pam'yat the device some valiv, moment: hour of the time utilized e ABO LCV, riven fizichnogo I navantazhennya etc.


meter Usage

Monitoring pdima ABO znizeny Runa cukru in crow nadzvychaina baglivi for people that stradaut on tsukrovyi diabetes. The meter automatically sberkassa in memory at Minol results vimiryuval. So, when adenoma vimr Runa cukru, je mozliwosci anionites s results minola analtv, I spend porwnania resultat.

Cristobalite meter duzhe which is very convenient. Square from msca zahajena I hour dobie zabezpecuje Nadine I Shvydko control cukru in crow, sprawcy effective lkuann baslc NSA zakhvoryuvan. As a rule, suchen model glucometers not zkladn for constructs, nevertheless toil visoko tochnosti vimiryuval. The principle of work of the meter to dosit Prosti: after puncture palca, that to be automatic, kraplya crow be applied to so zvanu the test area of the strips, Yak, Yak rule, videlatsia him colorem. After tsofirst information about riven cukru in crow scitts s ne I after pevnyi hour promicu dobratz on DISPLA (Danian pokaznyk whichever about the manufacturer and type of meter can calvatia from 5 to 45 seconds).

Trust the usage of this medychne the device pavidus I for rakhunok, scho in Yogo pam at sberkassa tens, and the hour I sotn resultats poperedni analtv. Spiralis on them, you can VI, otrymaty maximum povna I Ob ctivo the picture will become of your health, scho duzhe positively psychicise on General had treatment I allowed to Unicode RSNA uskladnenie, yakimi often supraforums Dana zacharovanna.


Parade when vibor meter

vibor meter should be considered a number of speeches. For example odnoraz test strips. TSE vitratni material, that postijno samnitica. That requires to know in advance, yaky daº glucometer naybilsh tocn results I Chi always on sale je potribni test strips.

If you are an active method of life I potrebuje vimr Runa glucose be called a few more rasv on the day, it should be storage the meter s naybilsh Shvydko the issuance of special result I kompaktnyi razmerami.

it is Not necessary kupovati “navorochenny” device ltnm people (some of glucometry toil baslc functions, for example, Sepam etouwan poperedni dignos), the fact scho stink mozhut in nomu just simply not Rospatent.

Vibiraem glucometer, yaky got vdovy sertifkat. Bytes parobek - not Chi stink show You the exact result.

Varto zvernuti osoblivo pay attention to those dwellers Lancet first strips exactly vdovii Mart meter, and also Mali neverovski terms prednost. In the case of Homo pravilnosti pokazani the device is not garantors. The fact of the Perche than kupovati Yogo, obov'yazkovo zvernutisya for DOPOMOGA, Yak to Your right. ydut s wartime materials.

there is the toll-Dumka, scho one tilki diabetics should be postijno controllati riven cukru in crow. Health Ludin TSE Ter not to zavadil, though once on misyats. So, for example, known that a long time scho riven glucose natshe becoming 5.5 mmol / L. Yakscho well VIN blesi zaznaczenie of pokajnica Kapratas trivago hour (of the periodic Priya I do not take up uwagi), then it should be should for medychne DOPOMOGA, naksha , rizik scho You razvivatsa tsukrovyi diabetes. Regular perevirka Runa cukru yea one s nieaktywny sposobu profilaktiki diabetes.

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Author: Artlife
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