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Linens poplin

, 12:18
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It is scientifically proven that the majority of human life passes in a dream, from QUALITYva depends health and health. An important part of the organization process of healthy sleep is definitely the right choice of furniture and mattresses. But the result of this would not have been complete without the use of high-quality bedding. The choice of clothes becomes, sometimes, in the same difficult task, as well as selection of home appliances - a variety ofmaterials and methods of tailoring can put you into a dead end. We recommend you to stop your attention to the bedding of poplin. By the way you can in the online store

Poplin - a double-sided fabric, created by weaving yarns, different in their characteristics: one ball (base) thinnerand thick, the other (ducks) - thicker and less. This combination of yarns creates a characteristic scar tissue on both surfaces. Judging by the legend of the fabric, first appeared in the Middle Ages and was used for the decoration of the residence of the Popes (hence the name itself and poplin). Material yarn used for weaving, is 100% cotton, lesssilk. Poplin linen has a number of competitive advantages that will make you stop option on it:

- Environmentally friendly - made from natural cotton fabric perfectly warms or cools, depending on the season;
- form - the fabric is soft to the touch and is barely crumple, well and keeps drawing colors;
- Practicality - through a combination of the two strands, fabric   has a high density and durability. In addition, it is not quite whimsical and does not require any special care, special modes washing and requires little or no ironing.
- Reasonable price.

Poplin - the perfect choice for Sunex, who are important comfort, practicality and efficiency!

Author: Artlife
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