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Pros I MOSI alumni battery heating

, 18:34
0 1995

80-s of the rocky view from the past century on talisma rinku z'yavylysya Novi opalovani prelude s alumnu. For porwnania short hours popularnosti alumni battery heating zrosla middle pokuptsiv osogo world. Legg, s vtmenu teplovoe was primarily spozhivachiv not only svoimi tennie characteristics, ale shte I primim towns the estimation. Today, Mabuchi, TSE napolitani option opalovani priladiv on postradavshim prostor.


Osnovne option, and battery z alumni

Vigotovlyaemo TSI prelude technologiczny in two versions:

  • Lit. TSE monolta design, target method Litta alumno alloy pid tisk;
  • Extrusi. The United Nations model profl s alumno alloy Formosa Pres, after chogo razreshitsya on ocram, Chastain. Coin du them zvaryuyut mizh themselves, formulce so section. Ostan DOUT z one z one mechanim way. Hermeticist constructs zabezpecuje slingalibi materials.

High natinst I mahanna mcnti more plastiv litim designs. In homu W extrusi model ncim not postupitsya clink.


Technon characteristics alumni radators:

  • Maslova vastani becoming 350-500 mm;
  • Maximum working mozliwy tisk whichever from torgovo brand kolivas from 6 to 16 atmospheres. Not asking model, rosehaven 24 atmosphere;
  • Gabarit rozmery (mm) - 380-590 for visat, 80 in width I 81-100 in Globino (cousino);
  • a Wide range of pathognostic - from 82 W to 212 W;
  • One section to wait within the limits of 1-1,47 crogram;
  • Butare rosehaven on taloney s maximum temperature of 110 0 C;
  • One section ummu 0,25-0,46 l water;
  • Warranty by the manufacturer of viznitsa I vary in dapson from 10 to 20 years.

it's important! Accno vigotovlennya section can waiti less then 1 cogram. Zbran s 10 sections alumni Butare heating (technon characteristics upabout otobrazhat Tsey parameter) mayut not Wagyu, or 11 cogram.


Perevahy alumni Radford

Popularnosti I strebovat CIR priladiv middle pokuptsiv RSNA countries zamovlen Masaya dostoinstv, yakimi stink valout:

  1. High teplovka. Metal Shvidko nagraadse I so very Shvidko VDDA heat in navkolishn seredovischa. Half ENERG peredaetsa through viprova and zalesak - resultat convicts. For tsogo mizh sections installed applications dodatkow ribs;
  2. Mala Vaga scho state sproshu transportowana I mountain of work;
  3. Nishka price. Have porven s bretani I mdnie counterparts alumni priladi more dostupn I wherein Velma efektivn;
  4. Mozliwosci reguluvannya. Navti low volume of water dozvola ustanoviti the position of the temperature primen. Moreover, there is the toll-mozliwosci installation of termoklapan scho Economii up to 30 % energoresursu;
  5. Prinny Sonny estimation;
  6. Mcnasty. When neophot can pridbati divice, rozruchowego to tisk at 16 atmospheres.

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Author: Artlife
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