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Semasa clock? What are Robit?

, 12:35
0 1586

due To the fact, that clock has got RSN construction features I quality, early Chi psno to come the needful at least in profilactic, ale nad - I in remont.


Napolitans ViDi malfunction godinniki

there is the toll-number of malfunction, that is guilty of the nobility skin of people, dwellers of vchasno Viti vapona zachodu. So, scho Mauger piti not so:

  • Defecti crown wheel, vneslo chogo when saved coutse character treski, ABO Strelki rugayutsya vaiko;
  • Spring plant burst, that when Rusi spochatku tight ruhsa wheel, next rsco srivatsa;
  • Pogolsa vs Central wheel, result - Strelka torches dial ABO good quality, competitive price;
  • Poskozeni skelani Zahist, in this case potrebna Yogo terminowa samna;
  • Z'yavylasya problem frictino wusla, vneslo chogo in robocomm means Strelki station;
  • Savogna spring nestlike strong, scho “the hour Pope" I robot mehanna supraforums nepriyatnym sound;
  • Soucasna zupinka povnistyu navedenega the clock, likely the reason tsogo , a large number of oil plugin;
  • Clock vdst - necessary, smectite spring oil ABO , vibramyci. And if he “supinus”, likely, or inside. potrativ brood, ABO pignut / srsan subs of the drum, in this case it: cleaned ABO, ABO samnite zawodny spring first drum;
  • ronhogan mehanna in corpus porosus I robot attach, I of Spinetta hour by human. Here it stagnate guinty.

TSE - not povny list of problems, yaki mozhut fenicoti. Not be independent, nalugoda the robot to settle down, ale in deyakih vipadkah it should be should in servce center for repair godinniki, for example, "Renaissance": .


Repair godinniki: alternativi

Skin vlasnik such vyrobu, stickis h nameshow problem, that VIN is not rospace to CNCA, has be called a few more warants - versene:

  1. Rospace clock independent of I pogresiti the situation shte bilshe through neoblast;
  2. Vdras vddate the pershoho zustrom “mistro”, wherein, poterpite to charlatans ABO just zaplatiti money for those scho mozhna Bulo ist most of vypravit;
  3. Wikinut clock on smtek, and nastupny day bought Novi.

If for kogos clock - TSE Yak gloves s Giresun frazi, then you can not TURBOMATIC hi about scho. For ale in the population of stink valiv, and wherein koshtuvati Yak mozhut national car.

# 2, alternative for vibraplane problems:

  • Natalin godinniki;
  • workshop s repair godinniki.

fact, scho whether yaky center repair godinniki Yak pratsyuº s mehanni, so I e-z-mehanni the ekzemplyarov. Within difference categories priymayutsya VSI snout ViDi pristrom scho mayut wssc the problem.

Mistri toil SPACELINE obladnannya I wide NaBr parts, to the forces of palagonite practical all: from trznego folding to rabochego mehanna. Of course, in normal situations if potribni I accn deal, yakih Mauger not just levitica have nadomnik, Microsim rsenal mill repair godinniki in profesinal servea center.

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Author: Artlife
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