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Integrated computer dagnostika Zora

, 15:34
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Agnostica dozen Zor - TSE wireline CROC to the health of Your eyes I vbnewline perfect Zora! Valuim factor for proveden dagnostika yea vikoristannya Suchasna diagnostical obladnannya. Samer s for this reason reason cabnet funkcjonalno dagnostika speculatory oftalmologica clink Onsen note dagostini systems I aparatura virobnictva swova lderv in Dani SFER (USA, Japan, Germany). By the way, in CIV pereryty sviy Zir possible in oftalmologia center "Zir 100%": .

the Complex obtienne Zora vkluchi a number dagostini procedures, spamovyh for the formulation of accurate diagnosis I viboru the best method of treatment zakhvoryuvan the eye. Propoganda Taco kompleksno dagnostika dozvola of viviti whether the Yak porsenna Zora I patolog Ochi:

  • porsenna refracts (myopia, gpereira, presbyopia, astigmatism);
  • pomocna krestalica (cataract eye);
  • glaucoma;
  • vderevne stcwiki;
  • retinopathy;
  • distri rogue.

Goswin professionals visoko qualit to rosnoblet for You halo programs, treatment, vstanovleni pokazana to conservative treatment zakhvoryuvan eyes, holding mchuron operas, Luzerne corect Zora.


Who rekomendatsi comprehensive comp utern dagnostika Zora?

DTM, during the period of active growth, so I formuvannya organs Zora. Comprehensive comp utern dagnostika dozvola vchasno of vivite I of vypravit porsenna scho z'yavylysya in process formuvannya eyes, ditini.

Incam serednioho I iz strong korotkosherstnyh during vinshuvannja, ditini ABO yaki planuoti watt. The complex obtienne dopomozhe Svojanov usnote patolog stcwiki zavdyaki provedennoe laserna coagula. TSE to permit zvesti to minimumu rizik vderevne stcwiki, cause ako mozhut why valic navantazhennya in the period ologv.

Dorosli over 40 years, in the period of development of zakhvoryuvan eyes, POV'yazanyh s VCOM.

When heritable factor riziku, that is in fact the case, if rodicu spostiamo porsenna Zor ABO zacharovanna eyes.

NavNet segalini zakhvoryuvan, Sered yakih:

  1. bertoncini hvoroba;
  2. tsukrovyi diabetes;
  3. alerg;
  4. chronon NFCC.

snigeln quality Zora, if sminutes cdct Zor, z awlasa discomfort I ble in the eyes, pavidus unotron tisk.

pghotos to oftalmologico operas, integrated dagnostika Zora will give mozliwosci lcara, that Opera Shvidko of postaviti exact diagnosis I slasti plan for treatment, given the features of VSI pant.

People, that toil tak porsenna Zora, Yak: korotkosherstnyh, delegators, astigmatism rekomendatsi sorcha profilaktichna dagnostika Zora. Basic zavdannyam take dagnostika , usunennya reasons Mogilevich uskladnenie I padna Zora.


In the complex dagnostika Zora included TAC procedure, Yak:

  • Ultrazvukove Dolce;
  • Optiona of tomogram;
  • Comp utern perimetry;
  • Autorefractokeratometry;
  • non-contact tonometry;
  • Keratotopography;
  • Electroretinography.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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