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Buy Plaviks on the website

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ischemic heart disease, acute coronary syndrome, after suffering a heart attack or stroke, there is always a need for quality and effective therapy, which will improve the patient's chances of survival. To prevent the formation of blood clots, and dilate blood vessels to improve blood flow to the heart muscle. To cope with this great medicine , which can be purchased on the website

plavix is a tablet, the active ingredient of which is clopidrogel. They are taken in a daily dosage of 75 mg, often – paired with aspirin for more effective and full of impact. These pills are usually prescribed after stenting, as maintenance therapy, or previous heart attack, stroke, acute coronary syndrome, or disease of the arteries.

Original plavix and its impact

the Drug has in its composition active substance clopidrogel, which makes the process of blood clots impossible. When taking pills the platelets cease to be glutinous, blood clots were not formed, and the risk of coronary heart disease is minimized.

After a stroke, the rehabilitation period is very long and complex, so the patient's condition requires special and constant monitoring from doctors. During hospitalization for a heart attack the first pill of Plavix you need to take within the first 72 hours – he will immediately begin to act. The process of adhesion of platelets is suppressed immediately, but we need to continue to take the medicine even after that, in a daily dosage of 75 mg.

plavix prescribed always in acute coronary syndrome, after a heart attack, a heart attack or stroke, diseases of the arteries after stenting as a preventive measure against atherothrombosis. The drug dilates the heart vessels, eventually the inflow of improved, and prevented the risk of coronary heart disease.

in Order to suppress the stickiness of the platelets completely, the medication you need to take long-recommended course, which lasts about a year. Only in this case it is possible to accurately prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis and dramatically reduce the likelihood of blood clots. At the same time, doctors do not recommend to buy analogues of Plavix. Even if they contains the active substance, its concentration may not be sufficient to really get the full effect.

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Author: Artlife
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