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Carpet cleaning

, 08:23
0 2325

The importance of cleaning carpets tells us Ivanov AK - employee « Subbotnik & raquo ;, which, in turn, you can order a chemical. Even taking into account the fact that the current fashion dictates innovation and high technology in interior design, carpet does not lose its relevance and it can be found everywhere - in the home and in the office. Carpets, like no other coating, create comfort in any room.But in order to comfort and coziness is not going away, it is necessary to maintain the carpet clean. You can certainly try to get the carpets in the courtyard or the surrounding area and the old-fashioned thrash him, forming a pillar of dust. But alas, the effectiveness of such procedures do not live up to expectations, and does not remove the lint from a variety of bacteria, mites. Yeah, etc.overnut is a small business can be, perhaps, the house, but not in a respectable office. In any case, the most effective method of cleaning carpets is a dry cleaning service, as it not only removes surface contamination - dust and particles and internal, bacteria, insects that are stuck in the pile. Carrying out such operations requires spe-Alista certain skills and knowledge, special equipment and properly selected, depending on the material of the carpet and the pollutant, household chemicals.

Chemical carpet cleaning is usually carried out in three steps:

- inspection, evaluation and general cleaning machine disk;
- local cleaning to remove dirt, stains, etc .;
- rinse the extract in the car.

The advantages of this method has obvious: efficiency, cost-effectiveness. If you want to keep the comfort and convenience of your home or office - keep your carpet clean!

Author: Artlife
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