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What are the specifics of modern dental implants?

, 21:34
0 2020

Prosthetics and dental implants today and ten years ago, which differswidely. In the past, tooth loss associated with unattractive bits that your problem exposed for all to see. With modern technology, even when scrutiny no one would notice the trick. How is today and prosthetics? And what are the main advantages of these procedures?

In the Presentoyaschee there are several types of implantation. Among them are two-stage, one-step, rapid and delayed implantation. Each type is selected after a thorough analysis of existing problems. As a rule, the type of implantation by a doctor.

However, the final decision is up to you. To make a selection « For » or « against » dental implants, you should be familiar with all its advantages and disadvantages.

The main disadvantage of dental implants, according to experts, is the difficulty of the procedure, which depends on the skills and practical skills of your doctor. One carelesse movement and your tooth will the wrong position, then you will experience constant discomfort and pain. Dental implants can also be taboo for you in case you have problems with the state of the circulatory or nervous system. One of the main drawbacks is also the cost of implantation of the tooth, which manypatients even when absolutely necessary, is not affordable.

As for benefits, they are, of course, much more. This flawless look of your new teeth, which is not different from the rest, is full use of the implanted tooth in the process of chewing food, it possozhnost avoid some unpleasant and dangerous diseases: periodontal disease, atrophy of bone tissue of the tooth.


Author: Artlife
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