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Features Endovascular Surgery

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Any elective surgery, especially in such an important sector as surgery suckDov, provides significant diagnostic training. Best diagnostic result is a visualization object of surgery, which can be obtained from the use of X-ray methods. But as is often the case in medical practice, the distinction between diagnosis and the actual medical procedure is sometimesis quite insignificant that leads directly to the creation of new methods of treatment and education of the whole direction and branch of medical science. It concerns a surgical field of art and science, as X-ray or  ). This is one of the minimally invasive surgical procedure in respect of vessels, the main character TOOLSthat is not where the surgeon's scalpel, and a special tool, which uses the type of laparoscope and controlled by means of X-ray radiation. By the way   one of the leaders in the manufacture of tools for endovascular surgery is an international company Medtronic. &Nbsp; This technique, which combines elements hirurgicheskogof skill and radiology, respectively, endovascular surgeon should be equally good specialist in both areas, and must be able to clearly work with complex X-ray equipment. The feature of this method is that there is no necessity of manipulations to make the cut and to apply a general anesthesia. The entire operation is carried out through the procol (puncture) is not more than 4 mm in diameter, which is used for local anesthesia. Accordingly, the statement of the patient is observed for three days, minimized operational risk, pain and recovery time. Due to its uniqueness, this technique has been widely used in various fields of medicine: cardiology, neurosurgery,Vascular Surgery, Hepatology - wherever you need surgery in the vascular system to remove unwanted entities.

Author: Artlife
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