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Secrets of French

, 06:08
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Any woman, regardless of age, region of the world and other factors is always striving to be beautiful, unique, desirable. It should look likeet flawlessly haunt the minds of men to push them to the most courageous acts only to win their position. All this requires some effort on the part of women in relation to his person, and, sustained effort, in which there is no unimportant things. Every woman has their little and big secrets to achieving the goal, yet allin this world someone imitated somehow modifying the strategy. It's no secret that the recognized standard in the field of beauty are French. Sometimes it seems that they all look perfect: no fat, slim figure, a perfect style of dress and life - just an ideal and unique woman. We all know and admire such famousand the representative of France, Sophie Marceau, Marion Cotillard, Carla Bruni, Eva Green, Audrey Tautou and many others. Each of them has its own peculiarity. But it is still possible to identify the individual who so clearly distinguish it from all other members of the fairer sex:

- an excellent figure. This combination of properlyOn diet and visiting the gym;
- unforgettable hair. More precisely, its naturalness, simplicity replace all sorts of irons, styling and else;
- the right wardrobe. Clothing, shoes, accessories should blend naturally with your appearance;
- comfortable shoes. Only the French could easily and naturally feelthemselves in ballet flats instead of high heels;
- headdress. Availability hats, berets - is almost an essential attribute of a French woman;
- the right makeup and manicure. Bright eyes and delicate French manicure say more than talk.

Author: Artlife
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