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Hair removal bikini area

, 07:58
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Today's society due to the development of communication and informationion technology has become much more open than, say 15-20 years ago. Everything that used to be taboo, or that it was possible to hide today, thanks to the Internet, it becomes clear in a few minutes. Consequently, the Company acquires a variety of stereotypes and cliches relating mainly exterior (investigation of permanent residence for all to see ingo). This is especially true of women who every day spend a lot of effort to create the perfect image. He (the image), in turn, is inextricably linked with the process of hair removal - hair removal. No surprise epilation on her feet, but here - it is a serious important step. Serious because it is a very sensitive area and the usual methods, such as brite can cause unpleasant sensation of pain. As a consequence, any way require some local anesthesia, or use less painful and more advanced technologies. In addition, the wrong actions in this area can lead to a rather common and unpleasant phenomenon - ingrown hairs (in fact, subcutaneous inflammatoryin the process). The most common methods are intimate hair removal: waxing (wax bioepilyatsiya) and shugaring (sugar hair removal). The first procedure is quite painful, but eventually the pain threshold increases. When Shugaring roll out sugar mass is rolled over the skin, pulling the hairs stuck. In addition to these two methods, beauticianscal salons use hair removal and laser technology. The procedure, though much more effective, but painful (requires local anesthesia) and long-term. Which method to choose depends on the client, besides he has to decide on the degree of epilation (bikini, deep bikini, bikini full).

Author: Artlife
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