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Cancer treatment in Israel

, 01:16
0 2489

Cancer - one of the worst inthe world, and also one of the most common (each year more than 10 million cases). Unfortunately, the death rate from cancer is high enough, and not always the doctors are able to somehow help the patient. For our country, which has suffered at the time of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, this problem can not be as familiar, because sewl the period when radiation contamination begins to reap its fruits. Level of our specialists do not always correspond to the needs, to the same diagnostic and therapeutic facilities and ensuring limping on both legs. And if we add more and bureaucracy, the situation becomes altogether disappointing. You can not say about that is one of theworld leaders in this field, with modern scientific and diagnostic facilities and highly skilled professionals. Thanks to government support, knowledge, skills, techniques are constantly being improved, the necessary research and improving the interaction between healthcare staff and the patient. In fact, the latter is one of the businesscards Israeli medicine. Every doctor is also a great psychologist able to build communication with the patient so as not to cause them unnecessary negative emotions. Due to these facts, more than 60% of all patients in onkoklinikah Israel completely curable. Even more, this percentage had an audience of children (80%), in which treatment of Israelis doctor reached more than a resounding success. The process of treatment in Israeli experts may take one of two ways: directly in Israel, one of the onkoklinik, or in their own country (local oncological center) on a clear plan and using the necessary preparations from Israel. On this your cooperation does not end, asIsrael decided to manage the patient after discharge, thus achieving an extremely low rate of relapse.

Author: Artlife
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