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Walkers for the disabled. Their functions and

, 09:18
0 2363

Walkers - a means of transportation for people with disabilitiesand in   the elderly  

Unfortunately it is not possible to protect yourself and your loved ones, especially the older generation of undesirable situations for which there is a risk of various injuries. If treatment is successful, then later comes the rate of recovery procedures,in which, as a rule, require additional devices. In this case - a walker for adults.

Features walker for adults.

Unfortunately, nowadays no one can completely protect themselves from the risk of injuries and injuries resulting from road traffic proisshestvy, accidents, natural disasters. Even ordinary negligence in the workplace, at home, in nature can lead to partial disability and inability to walk without the aid of anyone. But science, as they say, does not stand still. And it is in such cases - an indispensable tool is a special design. special prisposoblenie allows the victim to keep his balance, as well as to reduce the load on the spine and musculoskeletal system while driving. Such a device is particularly necessary elderly and disabled people to gain confidence and relative independence. And people in postreabilitatsionnom period deprived of nemove around independently.  

Types walker for adults. &Nbsp;

Walkers come in several forms: "step" or wheeled and stationary. Recent well-suited as a support, reduce the load legs, as well as significantly improve the coordination of movements. To bring in deystvie walking walker model, you need only turn to move left and right sides, making a simulated walk. In rollatorov RV may be two, three or four wheels. The elderly and persons with disabilities are best suited product models with four wheels. They serve to provide support during walking if necessary, they can sit down, and such modesate suitable for carrying food and small things. Selling price varies depending on the material used in the manufacture, design features and functions and adjustments. Adjustable model, folding, as well as model - transformers usually are more expensive, but they are more reliable and easy to ispolzovaResearch Institute.

Author: Artlife
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