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Diagnosis of the spine using MRI

, 23:12
0 2019

The modern man is in relation to its ownHealth extremely destructive lifestyle. With that, paradoxically sounds, such a state of things is the direct result of rapidly development level. Modern man is prone to the confluence of the various extremes: from a sedentary lifestyle to sudden dynamic loads. All this is extremely destructive effect on the general conditionoyanie the body and health in general, causing the development of serious diseases, deformities and injuries. And what is most unfortunate in all this is the fact that most if such a state of things, a victim of our negligence becomes our spine. That in itself should be alerted, for it is not only part of it. skeleton, but also the backbone of the central nervnoy system, collecting strings - neurons testimony of all organs and systems. Unfortunately, in the case of the defeat of the spine, there are diseases and injuries that can not be accurately diagnosed by personal inspection, manual methods. To help diagnose problems with the spine are most commonly used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On segmentsodnyashny day it is the most informative method of research in medicine, well ahead of the possibilities of ultrasound and X-ray techniques. Using MRI can visualize (in three-dimensional format) and diagnose problems in the hard and soft tissues, blood vessels. The most commonly used MRI to diagnotics of osteochondrosis and its complications (protrusion, hernia), arthritis, osteoarthritis, cancer. By the way, in Kiev you can in the center of « Innovative Diagnostics »

Center « Innovative Diagnostics & raquo ;. Source:
Author: Artlife
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