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Health Conference

December 10 2011., Moscow,
conference hall of "Youth"

We invite you to participate in the scientific-practical conference "National priority - health!" To be held on December 10 in Moscow

• Known medical researchers share his view on the use of dietary supplements in the modern health care.
• Experience and results of clinical testing of biological active complexes Artlife reports practitioners.
• A unique opportunity to listen to the speech of Vice-President for Science and the production of AA Vekovtseva and all known network of doctors at one event.

Let's share experience, learn new things and grow professionally!

Preliminary Conference Program *
09.30 Registration of participants
10.00 Opening of the conference.
Welcoming remarks by the Vice-President for Science and Artlife producing AA Vekovtsev and VIP-guests of the conference.
10.20 -11.20 make presentations invited reputable scientists and physicians, specialists in the application of biologically active substances in medicine, nutritionists.
11.20 - 12.00 Reports from the Company.
12.00-13.30 Break
13.30 - 15.30 Presentations from speakers well-known practitioners - Partners of the company.
Presentations - clinical results of products Artlife, synthesis of years of experience of biologically active complexes Artlife in preventing and treating diseases.
15.30-17.30 Roundtable, during which speakers will present a particularly productive uses are products of their Artlife medical practice.
Also, the participants will be able to ask different questions speaking.
17.30 End of Conference.

In addition, during the conference will be available new literature issued by publishing house Artlife:
• New product catalogs
• A Reference Guide "Biologically active complexes and functional food products Artlife in the treatment of various diseases." Authors: AA Vekovtsev, AA Solodilova.

As well as manuals and author's treatment program doctors - Partners.
And, of course, live communication with colleagues, partners, exchange experiences, the mass of fresh and useful information! Each will receive a certificate of the participant.

Participation cost - 500 rubles. The application deadline for the Company - not later than November 21. The number of participants is limited capacity of the hall, so ask for tickets in the sponsor and in a hurry to send your application!

Author: Artlife
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