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Oatmeal Kisel

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Oatmeal Kisel

Oatmeal Kisel broth for soups and thoroughwax recommended to protect the liver from the adverse effects, is designed to support the work of the soft cells of the liver, disorders of the gallbladder and biliary system.

Kissel has hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory actions, it is recommended as a universal ekoprotektora in areas with adverse environmental background.

In Russia since ancient times lived on oatmeal porridge and soup. Because of this diet and grow the Russian heroes.

Oatmeal Kisel - it's native folk remedy. It has a tonic effect, as in Kisel assembled a wide list of essential amino acids the human body, and vitamins. In chronic disorders of the digestive system oat fiber soothes the digestive tract. Rolled oats can effectively rid the body of the metal salts and other toxins. In addition, oat extract normalizes the heart and generally improves all vital body functions.

Salsola collina, the broth is made Kisel - a powerful hepatoprotector, increases resistance to adverse liver, strengthens its neutralizing function, and helps to restore its function in different lesions. This ability is particularly important plants, as at present in the environment present around 80,000 substances (industrial poisons, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, household goods products) that they enter the human body with water, food, air, have at it negatively, toxic effects, primarily affecting the liver - the body, acting as a biological barrier to the receipt of various toxic substances into the systemic circulation of the body.

The extract has choleretic thoroughwax gold, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antipyretic and tonic effect. Infusion thoroughwax change the chemical composition of bile, increasing the content of her bile acids, bilirubin and cholesterol. It has a restorative effect on the entire body, improves metabolism.

Included in the Kisel dietary fiber, in particular, fibrulin (inulin from chicory), improves the intestinal flora, promoting bifidobacteria. Promotes normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduced blood cholesterol levels, improve lipid metabolism.


Oat flakes, oat extract, Salsola collina extract, the extract thoroughwax, vitamins C, B3, B2, B1, B6, B9. apple juice, soluble dietary fiber: fibrulin (inuliniz chicory), gum arabic (acacia gum Senegal);

Inactive ingredients:

starch, citric acid, sucralose sweetener, flavor food, powdered sugar.

Kisel on oatmeal broth and soups thoroughwax useful for people of all age groups, children (3 years), pregnant women, nursing mothers, to recuperate from illness and operations.

Author: Artlife
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