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Benefits blankets

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The impact of stressful situations in our time is very common and a person wants to rest. Medical scientists inthis world have proven that a person needs a healthy sleep for rehabilitation. But it is important not only how much time you rest, but what you're covering. In our climate just is not interchangeable. Only a blanket of natural wool creates a perfect microclimate in your bed. As in folk and traditional medicine is proven lechebnye properties of sheep's wool. When the pain in the back, joints, muscles, rheumatism in antiquity used fleece. The composition of natural wool includes lanolin, has a therapeutic effect on the human body in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In addition to natural lanolin is   antiseptic and favorably influencespeople with asthma   and bronchitis.

The main advantages of blankets:

  • has antibacterial properties (due to lanolin, which is found in sheep's wool);
  • Have thermal insulation and thermal insulation properties, maintaining a constant temperature of bodiesand;
  • hygroscopic;
  • Hypo allergenic;
  • practical, durable, do not lose shape, if necessary, may be washable;
  • Do not roll down;
  • Enjoy high hygienic propertiesE, do not collect dust.

Blankets fleece is recommended to fans of natural products and a comfortable sleep. Perfect as the elderly and children. This is a great gift to your relatives and friends.
If a person is resting under the blankets from sheep's wool his sleep calm and strong. In the morning, he is full of energyogy and positive emotions.

Author: Artlife
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