Yak zdivuvati Cohanim
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ni no secret scho zh³nki surprises in Ljubljana whether yak time rock. Ale if v³nnespod³vany, Tsey Podarunok then vzagal³ radoscham Absent between. And if a man shte Knows scho yogo sama neobh³dne for the Beloved, then emots³¿ just perepovnyuyut. Var³ant³v zrobiti ³snuº duzhe bagato.
- Kvity - end of Perche for all – shte scho Mauger Buti The Best. And if shte ts³ Kvity deliver chickens ’ ºr time ³z list³vkoyu, ifWon zovs³m tsogo not chekaº then viyde vrazhayuchy surprise;
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- Mozhna takozh zmontuvati yakiys f³lm about ne¿, yakomu Buda ytisya about ¿¿ ts³kav³ moment sZhittya;
- Sche Buda duzhe efektno vlashtuvati romantic evening: on pov³tr³ on berez³ Sea chi on Dahu bagatopoverhovogo budinku;
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- your Zaproponuvati³y d³vchin³ k³nnu progulyanku, Yakscho ¿y end of zavzhdi should be, and not ne¿ vistachalo at end of hour abo kosht³v. In ts³y progulyants³ bude i romance, i nezvichn³st and if wi th he will shte for ³nstruktora vershnika then vzagal³ - your Kohana Buda duzhe priºmno zdivovana i glad this vashomu r³shennyu;
- Bude shte dorechno zrobiti sos Podarunok yak collage (tse if Quantity of photo ’ ºdnanih m³zh him utvoryuyut odne ts³le, Garnier i nezvichne photo). Cup s Damage vashogo photo. A shte Mauger Buti shirt, de Buda your i deyak³ romantichn³ As for her words to ºdino¿ the Beloved.
Rob³t surprise i priºmne one single chast³she, z³znavaytesin kohann³, grant a one b³lshe n³zhnost³, more in the spirit of tsomu polyagaº spravzhn³y vashogo Kohannya.
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