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Basic operations in the care of bed-patients

, 23:05
0 2322

In the life of every person can be a situation when it overcomes illness. It's one thing if it's any kind ofwhether cold, which can be for a few days on my feet move, but quite another when health problems are so serious that even require surgery.

This is an objective fact which is, even though a high level of development of modern medicine. So, like state (post-operative, post-traumatic, etc.) lead to the fact that a certain period of time a person has to be in the supine position, unable to move at all or in part. In this case, the medical staff responsible for continuous nursing care for bedridden patients carrying a huge complex of work, power and for the patient.

In this state, a person needs special attention and relationships, in addition, it is also a huge physical, emotional and mental stress. requires huge medical staff professionalism and strict observance of all the rules and regulations. The main operations in the care of bed-patients referringed:

- washing the patient. The process is quite natural, because it is still dirt accumulates. Pomyvka, depending on the complexity of state weakness can occur in the bathroom or directly on a hospital bed;
- oral care. At the same time trying to translate the patient supine on the floor, sitting nAssumption;
- hygiene groin. To prevent adverse events, shut-often wears diapers.

Author: Artlife
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