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Security activities

, 12:41
0 2166

At the present stage of reforming our state important socio-political, economic and other reforms occurringe in Ukraine, are crucial for the future of its citizens.

Internal security occupies in the life of people is one of the central places. So, there is a need for close and fruitful cooperation of all state bodies, public organizations and private entities in order to achieve unitsother purpose - perfect protection of life and health of man and citizen.

All the serious problem of the inviolability of human rights, especially the right of private property ownership.

Security Services - is the implementation of measures to ensure protection of the physicalof a person or property on the terms and in the manner prescribed by law.

- is the issuance, renewal, extension, annulment, revocation of licenses, issuance of copies and duplicates of licenses, maintenance of license files and license registry, monitoring compliance with license conditions, youDacha orders to eliminate violations of license conditions.

The decision to grant or refuse to grant a license to the licensing authority takes ten days. The most common reason for refusing such reasons are: the unreliability of the data submitted by the applicant or the applicant's inconsistencydocuments submitted

In recent years, countries around the world are increasingly oriented not only on traditional law enforcement, but also in the service of the protection of non-state ownership. Long-term experience of foreign countries shows that without the involvement of crime prevention and the fight against crimegeneral population effective law enforcement is not possible.

It should be noted that to date the procedure for issuing licenses to engage in security activities fully comply with the current legislation of Ukraine. Undoubtedly, you should be aware that regulatory policy The State hasIslands should not stand still, and each time to improve, in order to best serve the interests of the citizens properly.

At the same time, most of the proposed changes to the license terms included the introduction of additional add-ons, and lists of references. This, in turn, will only become unnecessary obstaclein the process of implementing the provisions of the order.

Author: Artlife
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