
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels associated with the atherosclerotic process, continue to remain a leading cause of global morbidity, disability and mortality. Today, according to official figures in this country of 23 million "cores" from which every year about 1.3 million die from their disease. This is three times larger than, for example, in the United States.

Among the 56.4% of all deaths are deaths are attributed to diseases of the cardiovascular system. In developed countries, mortality age 78-80 years, and in Russia - only 65. Explain a situation of economic indicators can not be playing a leading role lifestyle and the presence of risk factors. That is what people in power to change, to slow the progression of atherosclerosis disease, both before and after the onset of clinical symptoms.

To change (modifiable) risk factors for atherosclerosis include smoking, obesity, elevated blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and how recently it became clear increase in homocysteine in the blood.

Homocysteine - an intermediate product of the exchange of essential amino acid methionine, which is fed from outside with food. Homocysteine formed from it, not "live" in the body for a long time. He has a pronounced irritant effect, therefore, becomes again a methionine (under the influence of vitamin B12), or converted into tsistationin (under the influence of vitamin B6). High concentrations of homocysteine in the blood leads to the creation of conditions for the development and progression of atherosclerosis.

Increased blood homocysteine by 5 mmol / l leads to an increased risk of atherosclerotic vascular lesions by 80% in women and 60% for men. Reasons for increase homocysteine may be lack of vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, physical activity, consumption of coffee and alcohol.

New bioactive complex Aterolex of Artlife company is intended for complex therapy and prevention of atherosclerosis, heart failure, homocysteine metabolism, chronic fatigue syndrome. 

The spectrum of biological activity of the complex due to evidence-based formulation and selection of ingredients, as normalizing gomotsisteinovy, cholesterol exchanges, and other indicators of arterial bed. Next on the table






    Maintaining the balance of microelements, prevent accumulation of excess sodium, support contractile activity of the heart


Cholesterol-lowering effect, antihypertensive, antispasmodic, anti-depressant 


Sugar regulative, restores normal glucose tolerance, increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin



Disposal of homocysteine, the regulation of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism

Â12, folic acid


Calcium pantothenate

Thiamine mononitrate

Ascorbic acid

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,vessels tonic, promote epithelialization and collagen synthesis

Vitamin E

Lipoic acid

Amino acids and enzymes

Coenzym Q10

Improving the supply of heart muscle 


Improving the exchange of fatty acids and cholesterol



Solgen 40

Protivoateroskleroticheskoe, antihypertensive, sosudoukreplyayuschee


The effectiveness of complex Aterolex against atherosclerosis has been proven in a clinical setting as an example a group of patients with peripheral atherosclerosis. This disease commonly affects the arterial tree, especially in smokers. It is also often present in patients with atherosclerosis of coronary and carotid arteries. Main, the primary symptom of peripheral atherosclerosis is a pain in the legs when walking, which gradually goes after the man stops. 

Under the supervision were 20 male patients with peripheral atherosclerosis, and formed the core group. The average age of men in this group was 61,3 ± 4,3 years. Monitoring Group for them were 15 male volunteers with a similar prognosis and an average age of 63,2 ± 3,5 years. All volunteers had a risk factor for adverse cardiovascular - smoking - which was expressed in the smoking-out of up to 1 ½ packs of cigarettes a day. Complex
Aterolex were provided a core group mode 1 tablet 3 times a day. 

Was a positive dynamics of patients while taking complex: six out of 20 surveyed (30% of cases) after taking dietary supplements reported that intermittent claudication appears after 500 meters away, whereas before conservative treatment, patients noted the appearance of this symptom even when walking within 100 meters . Among the patients of control group wasn't showed such results. Effectiveness complex  
Aterolex against atherosclerosis has been proven in a clinical setting the example of a group of patients with peripheral atherosclerosis. This disease commonly affects the arterial tree, especially in smokers. It is also often present in patients with atherosclerosis of coronary and carotid arteries. Main, the primary symptom of peripheral atherosclerosis is a pain in the legs when walking, which gradually goes after the man stops. 

Under the supervision were 20 male patients with peripheral atherosclerosis, and formed the core group. The average age of men in this group was 61,3 ± 4,3 years. Monitoring Group for them were 15 male volunteers with a similar prognosis and an average age of 63,2 ± 3,5 years. All volunteers had a risk factor for adverse cardiovascular - smoking - which was expressed in the smoking-out of up to 1 ½ packs of cigarettes a day. Complex
Aterolex were provided a core group mode 1 tablet 3 times a day. 

Was a positive dynamics of patients while taking complex: six out of 20 surveyed (30% of cases) after taking dietary supplements reported that intermittent claudication appears after 500 meters away, whereas before conservative treatment, patients noted the appearance of this symptom even when walking within 100 meters . Among the patients of control group these results were found.


Diag. Dynamics of clinical manifestations of peripheral atherosclerosis 

Improvements in metabolic demonstrated in lowering blood glucose levels under the influence of complex Aterolex.



Diag. Dynamics of glucose in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis


In patients receiving complex Aterolex, the disease was the fact of the relative reduction of homocysteine in the blood of volunteers, whereas patients in the control group, this effect was absent. According to expert opinion, a more prolonged use of complex Aterolex will result in a more significant reduction in the level of homocysteine.



Diag. Dynamics of the level of homocysteine in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis


 It was found a significant decrease in triglycerides (15%) in the blood of patients who took a set of Aterolex, compared with that of patients in the control group. In addition, the content of triglycerides in the blood serum of patients after administration of complex Aterolex against the background of standard therapy was 21% lower than that before therapy



Diag. Dynamics of triglycerides in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis


During the reception complex Aterolex comes a reduction in the atherogenicity of blood taking complex patients by increasing neaterogennyh fractions of cholesterol, the so-called useful, and reduce the atherogenic, or harmful to factions.



Diag. Dynamics of blood atherogenic index in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis


Normalization of exchange of cholesterol affected the condition of the arteries. The six volunteers who took complex Aterolex, at their request was repeated ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities. It must be the emergence of trends in compaction of unconsolidated plaques in 3 patients who have undergone ultrasound at the end of therapy. They noted an increase in blood flow by 12%. In addition, one of them revealed the presence of calcification. 

Since the active substances complex Aterolex have the ability to improve the condition of the walls of vessels, was evaluated in the test reaction mikrotserkulyatsii nail bed to press. It was found a significant increase in blood flow velocity under the influence of receiving complex Aterolex.



Diag. Dynamics of blood micro circulation in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis


 Thus, the complex Aterolex improves the functional state of cardiovascular system, reduces the severity of violations of cholesterol, increases the intensity of   blood micro circulation. May be taken in complex therapy of atherosclerosis of the arteries, as well as healthy people to prevent age-related changes and atherosclerotic vessels. 

The indications for its use is the existence of these states, as well as their prevention:
Arteriosclerosis of any localization 
Ischemic heart 
Hypertensive heart disease 
Chronic cerebrovascular accident 
Rehabilitation after trauma, stroke, myocardial 
Impaired glucose tolerance 
Violation of cholesterol 

With dynamic cardiopharmacology issue of prevention of atherosclerosis still remains open. The complex Aterolex there are important advantages of giving the foundation for long-term action: the availability izoflavonic support vessel wall in conjunction with the level of magnesium. Their complementary action increases the efficiency of prevention of atherosclerotic 2,5 times.
