Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)


Riboflavin is destroyed by light, is poorly soluble in water (solubility increases with decreasing pH) and alcohol.

Biologically active form of riboflavin is flavinadenindinukleotid, synthesized in the human kidney, liver and other tissues. Other derivatives of riboflavin - riboflavin-5-phosphoric acid occurs naturally in yeast. By creating a normal course of redox processes in the body.

Sources of vegetable

Yeast, leafy green vegetables, cereals (buckwheat, and oats), peas, seeds and shells of cereals and bread.

Sources of animals

Liver, kidney, meat, fish, cheese, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, egg white.

Synthesis in the body

Synthesized by microorganisms, including microflora of the colon.


Vitamin B2 intensify metabolic processes in the body, participating in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Riboflavin is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and antibodies for cellular respiration and growth. It facilitates the absorption of oxygen by cells of the skin, hair and nails.

It improves the condition of the organ of vision, taking, along with vitamin A, participate in the process of dark adaptation, reduces eye fatigue and plays a major role in preventing cataracts.

Vitamin B2 has a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

Riboflavin minimizes the negative effects of various toxins in the respiratory tract.

One of the most valuable qualities of riboflavin is its ability to accelerate transformation in the body of pyridoxine - Vitamin B6 - into its active form.

Daily requirement for age, years - B2, mg

0-1/2 - 0,5

1/2-1 - 0,6

3.1 - 0.9

4.6 - 1.0

7-10 - 1.4

11-14 - 1,7

15-18 - 1,8

19-59 - 1,5

60-74 - 1,6

Older than 75 - 1,4


11-14 - 1,5

15-18 - 1,5

19-59 - 1,3

60-74 - 1,5

Older than 75 - 1,3

Pregnant 0.3

Lactating 0.5

The need for riboflavin is increased by high physical loads, as well as oral contraceptives.

The systematic use of alcohol distorts the mechanism of assimilation of vitamin B2, so the persons who abuse alcohol, the need for riboflavin increased.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis:

loss of appetite, drop in body weight


headache, burning sensation of skin

pain in the eyes, night blindness

soreness in the corners of the mouth and on the lower lip
With the development of the disease:

crack and peel in the corners of the mouth (angular stomatitis)

inflammation of the mucous mouth and tongue

seborrheic dermatitis, nasal labial folds

skin lesions, dermatitis, hair loss


corneal changes, increased sensitivity to light, conjunctivitis, blepharitis

dizziness, insomnia, slow mental reaction

growth retardation

Deficiency of riboflavin, primarily affects the tissues that are rich in capillaries and small vessels (brain tissue). When deficits are often a manifestation of cerebral insufficiency may be varying degrees of severity, manifesting a sense of general weakness, dizziness, decreased tactile and pain sensitivity, increased tendon reflexes, etc.

Lack of riboflavin may also lead to a breach of iron absorption and weaken the thyroid gland.
