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Sectional garage doors

, 10:10
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Garage directly home to your car, but remembering distant timeene when almost everywhere were only metal gates, the garage was like more on the cellar than at home. In the middle of the   the wind was blowing, and gets wet,   and ultimately an unpleasant smell from the damp. Another thing - Sectional Garage Doors, which, though more expensive than metal, but the difference is compensated notOnly by protecting against moisture and dust, but also from the comfort of thermal insulation. Such gates are one of the areas of the company "Peace Gate" in more detail with the products which can be found by following the link.

How to choose a sectional garage doors

Garage opening the gates to manufacturers, garazhny opening   It should be done by a minimum height of 2 m. 85 mm. Because as a rule height of 2 m. 200 mm., But should take into account the height of your car elegant as   Jeeps reach a height of almost 2 meters. And if on top of another   trunk or raboks, the average height of 2m. 200 mm., Can be reduced to two and a half - to 3-methmoat. Regarding the width of the opening, the recommendation of the company to do the opening   no more than five meters. Important: The distance from the wall to the edge of the hole should immediately be at least 120 mm. - It is necessary for the installation of the guide. Also: distance from the upper edge of the hole to the ceiling must be not less than 210 mm. But it allowed and Minimaflax size - 100 mm, in which case the value of the gate will rise by 15%.

Manufacturers garage doors

When it comes to producing expensive panels, it is necessary to distinguish three such products:

  • H ö rman (Herman) - the headset H ö rman manufactured and imported from Germany.
  • Alutech - it is the same European technology, but the production of the panels, which are located in Belarus.
  • DoorHan (Dorhan) - is a Russian manufacturer, we are small, use it at work, but leaned on our experience, Dorhan owners need to be more careful with gates.

If you want to installbe H ö rman, it takes time for the delivery of panels in Germany, but in the case of Alutech - you can start the installation for the past couple of days.
Accessories: rollers, brackets, hinges - Alyutek and H ö rman the same at a high level.
Yet it should be added that part of the guide Radius Alyutek and H ö rman more reliable - methallicheskaya, while Dorhan - it is made of plastic.

Painting garage doors

Speaking of color, the basic colors are white and brown. Start installing the gate with such colors, as we mentioned above, it is possible for 3 days. But you have a choice of a variety of other colors, but for paintingand, even more time is necessary.
In addition, it is possible to order « Golden Oak & raquo ;, « cherry & raquo ;, « dark oak » - Distinguishing feature is the color and texture.


Frankly, the gates are opened and closed easily by hand. And precisely because ofbution of the first customer purchase only the gates and automatic buy more later.
Speaking of prices for automation, consider this dependence - the more gates, the more their weight and the more powerful engine is needed.
guarantees mainly comprise at least one year. And if anything happens, the manufacturer makes DemontWell automation, transported to the repair, and set again.
Obviously. Sectional doors are reliable, convenient and, unlike ordinary hinged metal garage door does not require extra space for opening, which is especially important in the winter when there is snow outside the gates to open them interfere.
Sectional doors - a comfort to your favorite car. They bothvides protection from moisture and dust. Also, the mechanism of the gate, garage excellent protection from intruders.
Manufacturers   take care of the security while using the gate can be set to lock the accessory in the case of closing the door displays in the hole, any obstacles.
In a word: sectional doors - it's abouttlichny choice!

Author: Artlife
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