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Fabrics for bed linen

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The main principles in the selection of fabrics for the production of bed linen is - pure naturalstructure, a first-class development and current design. The most popular today are: cotton, calico, crepe and satin. Plain and simple matter for bed linen - linen, silk and cotton. Back in the seventies, the creators began to exploit the synthetic material. However, despite the fact that they are much more practical, it is convenient, as well ase just to wash and iron, to a sleeping man, they have a great deal of discomfort. Recently, it became very fashionable underwear manufacturer of materials that were previously considered unsuitable for bed - tulle, brocade and gas. To a method of weaving fabric carry - satin, batiste, calico and chintz. It is also distinguished by the variety of fabric (cotton, silk, linen,et al.) and the very form of weaving.

What is the lawn?

Baptiste - a unique rare weave, which is characterized as easy, transparent and fairly durable substance. Its only drawback - low wear it. After 40-70 washes thread will be collected in the washing wavenke, and begin to form in the tissue of Education, which will be seen through the textile base fabric.


Chintz - is very thick thread and weave very rare.


Calico - a frequent weaving thick thread should also be noted that the calico classicalfied several divisions. Calico - a very practical material, which does not require specific care. The fabric is much stronger than the lawn, but does not shine like satin. &Nbsp; Producing calico severe (unfinished), printed and dyed smoothly. Usually referred to as the bleached calico cloth. In the old calico brought from Asia. And in other countries, it appearseh, in the sixteenth century and was operated as a substrate for coats, opash and other outerwear. With bleached calico sewed soldier's underwear, because it was much cheaper than the calico. If the sheeting was colored, then it was used for the lining of coat and suit fabrics, and printed - for children's and women's legenky sarafanchikov. It should also be noted calico properties such as: ease, environmental friendliness, the ability for a long time to maintain the brightness of the picture, hygiene.


Satin - very tight weave, twisted thin thread, fabric, is today considered an elite material. It has long been noticed,that the larger the thread, spun the brighter its sparkle. So with time appeared gloss - sateen-like silk. &Nbsp; It is much cheaper than silk, but more expensive than other cotton fabrics. Also, it is made from linen in different designs for everyday use.


Flannel referred to carding xLopke. Flannel - soft and retains heat, pleasant to the touch material, covered with a light gun. Very suitable for the period from before the heating season. The main and the only drawback - if you frequently use can begin to "slide".

Author: Artlife
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