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Conducting classes in special medical group

, 14:35
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Physical education students or students in accordance with differentthe curricula of secondary schools. Training programs are based on the didactic principles of predictive pedagogy. Work plan of vocational schools (PTU) and the implementation plan for the educational material of general educational institutions (schools) for physical education in the year uchoby (semester) withPICs and taking into account all the possibilities of motor and physical development of students. In addition, the mandatory requirements of students in special groups on the practical section assigned:

  • Forum « Gymnastics » - The ability to perform drill exercises, directly on the posture, basic movementsI have hands, torso, legs, dance moves, some acrobatics, balance, ability to lift and carry light weight (up to 3 kg), individual exercises on gymnastic devices;
  • A must for students of special medical groups is also a skill on the instructions of the teacher podgotovitsya and practically conduct classes complexes morning hygienic gymnastics. They need to know and to serve as an instructor or a judge of the sport.

Students who belong to special medical group, you can make an assessment of the knowledge and techniques of corrective exercise directlyazhneny for general physical development, that it is not contraindicated, but at the end of the school year is "Passed" or "Fail" (when you visit at least 50% of the course curriculum) or differential score on standards that assesses the program for special medical groups. The final score in the journal study student achievementshould stand in the teacher who teaches the subject "physical culture" taking into account assessments of the student received in the classroom in spetsmedgruppy. But there are also cases where the student in the classroom gets worse, then he issued and fully exempt from physical education.

For students in special medical groupx are important requirements for the weekly motoring mode. It is important to explain to students that almost each of them subject to regular physical exercise can gradually learn the recommended amounts of physical activity weekly mode.

Filling for special medical grouppractical training is between 10 and 15 people. It is better if the group is composed of students with the same diagnosis of the disease. Acquisition allowed groups of students for cooperative activities that have suffered various illnesses, provided the initial level of preparedness for the implementation of loads.

Classes with students of the special panel, should be prepared according to the teacher who took courses in this area and received a certificate. Students, whose state of health is referred to the special medical group, state tests of physical fitness of the population do not make.

Author: Artlife
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