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Medical Pedagogical control of physical education at any university

, 14:18
0 2675

Medical and pedagogical control includingis:

1) assessment of health followed by the distribution of students at some health groups (primary, preparatory, special) to hold classes directly on physical training (education), which is performed by a doctor the institution as a result of:

  • annual medical examinations (biological age, level of physical development of the child, the existence of different chronic diseases or malformations, the number of cases of acute disease in the past year);
  • evaluation of physical fitness of the student (the level of development of motorskills).

2) Planning to work directly on physical training (education) for lessons (classes) and on physical training (education).

The main forms of medical and pedagogical control consider:

  • medical examination of students, defedeleniya health, level of locomotor functions of the body, physical fitness as a basis for the formation of medical teams to conducted lessons (classes) for physical education in which students give patients exempting them from physical education classes;
  • honeyIKO-teacher observations directly during lessons, competitions and various other forms of physical training;
  • health surveillance (previous and current) through the conduct of the lessons, and other forms.

An important part of medical and pedagogical control over physical education is vrachebbut pedagogical supervision (LPS), a physician conducted together with the teacher it was during lessons (classes).

In the course of LPS solve such problems:

  • familiarization with the educational-methodical documentation (class journal, the work plan (PTU) and the implementation plan of educational material (school), a summary of the lesson);
  • control on the distribution of children directly to health for many medical groups for lessons (classes) on physical training (education);
  • evaluation methodology for themselves the lessons (classes) for Physical Culture (Education), provided logisticalIa and associated equipment and inventory age norms;
  • monitoring compliance is clothes and shoes kind of physical activity of students;
  • monitoring compliance with age norms in the planning exercise;
  • study of organic reactionsZMA children to exercise.

In case of need as a result of the correction of the LPS directly to the planning process is physically dosing of physical activity of students. The evaluation of the effectiveness of physical education should be carried out with the help of observations and interviews to assess the degree of development of fatigue isshnim featured.

Author: Artlife
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