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Top 5 summer foods for women diet

, 13:25
0 2177

Soon the heat will come, and it is clear that all women want to have healthy and beautiful. And this will help 5 year old products are available.

To maintain the beauty and health of women are recommended to include in your diet more useful products. Nutritionists recommend 5 key ingredients of summer that will improve your appearance and rejuvenate the body:

  • Blueberries - rich in many nutrients and antioxidants. It helps improve memory, has nutrients for heart health and is characterized by anti-cancer properties. Bilberry also helps to restore muscles after exercise.
  • cantaloupe - has a very beneficial effect on our skin, protects it from harmful UVA and UVB rays. Due to the fact that the melon is 90% water, it helps for longer feel satiety.
  • Peaches contain close to 20 different kinds of nutrients, including antioxidants, potassium and zinc. In addition, peaches are a low calorie food.
  • Strawberry contain potassium, folic acid, fiber and vitamin C. Nutritionists have even developed a special strawberry diet.
  • Cherry - an excellent tool to relieve pain and reduce irritability. It is rich in fiber and potassium, yet low in calories.

Restore the beauty and health of tasty, and most importantly, without the high cost.

Every woman aspires to look their best, and help her in this variety of cosmetic products. And with the current prices even to be pretty expensive. So you can use and that will be the perfect replacement for expensive cosmetics. She is in first place right behind the quality of many products, and this women the most important thing.

Remember that summer is a wonderful time to nourish your body with many useful substances and to restore beauty. So don't waste these opportunities, and take care of your health and beauty. Remember that only depends on you how you will feel. Good health is the first step to ensure that you will be more confident.

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Author: Artlife
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