Yak panati yourself?
Psname yourself means zrozumie, that no man may be nkim him! Yoo mi is actually? Hto mi . spravene? Western distinct mi Pacino ntahobali the mask the mi one formula ABO klika Sablon, Adagio for yourself start adding some "camouflage" I carry all Yogo zhittya. We in this DOPOMOGA birthplace, school, friends, spivrobitnyky, the th just swichin people often SOSM neznaem. Wherein mi wrimo in those scho TSE ) / mi sprain. Postupovo day after day mi formula yourself, palstaves hardware installation suspilstva in which as we live. I nuisanse wherein, scho mi idemo push yourself sprawing all Dali I Dali, mi sauvao, mi , mi stracham myself, sometimes forever. I tsei of nevidimy «camo» prirosta to us, peraltas fine threads W us spravene, just wrote in us.
theYak dantica Yoo mi is actually?
Sometimes triples Divo: mi akikos in situations Raptor stichos W Tim, those scho, scho , mi, this mi. TSE new'yazane us kimos I start talking, and we are not even memory atama exactly I Kim Coley. And we are not zavzhdi pereboeva in fact Stan, so sttouches W Tim, hto mi ye not, zrozumie, hto mi ye. And navit yakscho I zrozumia, raptovo usual TSE, niyakaya absolutely no guarantees, scho mi SDAT priynyati yourself spraving, priynyati though akus castingu yourself spaventoso. By the way, for profesiyno the Fund you can zvernutisya to psychologist Alexandra Poplavskogo: .
Axis here and to znahoditsya perelomnyi moment of life, a moment, if man pdbedit to ACOs nevidimo Meg, which pacinas the amazing process panana yourself. Sustr W by himself for Kono gumucio I mugno man - TSE of pada, that salissa at in memory on all life. TSE Prosna, shock, which Mauger Buti Yak radosnym, so I do not duzhe. Price point stini, if invisible thin veil of self-deception, lusernet pridumano I now'yazano. rescinds in Proctor. I only push same man saleit, the application won ACS mariguana in their life I Chi PDE a fresh way.
Uavt, what you slide on city streets, attended by absolutely no godno man, rodno car ncogo living, in Delavigne and savedi real, Chudovo nature. Sprobuyte have TSE Franz, if asleep velicine city, no not in the village, and sama in megapolis. Wherein uavt, what people don't splat, and they just no, no sovsem. Yak VI will be vdovine? Map of Wapiti, Chi not so?
About so I feels man, Yak sauce yourself, namagala bootie vrnm sobi spavinaw. Won absolutely samotna. I it seems Boily suniti yourself I their life, easier salesite all Yak ye. Had Neji not viscacha forces vivatia one.
theStudni reflex
sorry, ciogodnichnyu day, how much people virouse stagni reflex. In just need to be in STD, but what to do, if the herd W perekruchennih cennostej slo kitten in prrwo? TSE herd, Yak VIR, satiago its all in the funnel, what to znahoditsya commiss W salenow vdcantuogo power. TSE Girska vesnyana Rika s just neimovirna shvidky tech. Our society , " TSE herd, oposite Scancom lusernet. TL veil, as if gusty fog, to travel along lyudstva, Nemov on runin, the Yak on its nose ncogo not state just pobachiti. Lusa PDE, if all runina bude visible W visoti. But in this human so warm I comfortable, he an ago, yamaguchis posbility Zora forever.
Mi Vdovin for all scho W us vdbase, need only zrozumie TSE.
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