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Subn elanti I h ViDi

, 22:23
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Usage of subna implantat in Stomatolog today it is believed that naybilsh the best option, protozoana subv, Yak tsya same technique dozvola vdevice Strachan zoubi, sberegli mayzhe stoval h funkcjonalnosci. Implantate of subna implants practicums in our country vzhe be called a few more desetilet, I yakscho Taka as technology for bagatoh Bula not Kisen through the high ZnO, sogodni Vaughn became more available, thus I efektivnosti quality of materials vykarystouvac tilki okrasilsya.

Ostend rocky choice of subna mplants digit VIRS in contact'yazku s denote before pacte nerdc pasta power: mplant vibrate, yaky, Yak system mplants SUBW maintained upstream? Pogovorim about h of perevahy Nedeli in General and in particular. I respost us about TSE Vasilenko A. P. - spivrobitnyky kislogo stomatologicznego center "RISU": .

Varto vdras notice, scho mozhna soustrot be called a few more warants vivanna addition of the words: “implanted”, “implant” I navti “implantant”. The Yak, pisati I govorito right? So the axis lterature pravilnim je «implanted”, also lately in specalty lterature all castle sustris Varant “implant” (for analogue z englishiyskyy implant), scho Ter ye clcom dopustimo. Axis and “implantant” - TSE called the wrong piece of the tooth root. In pactv prosthe, simulate “implant”, than “implantant” or “implanted”, we Ter, that everyone knows, what does Dali bude vykorystovuyutsia zrozumily I Prosti term “implant”.


ViDi implants

there is the toll-vidw be called a few more of subna implants, that varanytsia mizh themselves shape, Rozmari, way elantec, statstg carry navantazhennya himi characteristics:

  • Koreaporn. Used in elantec SUBW castle vsogo. Stink are themselves swordy cylinder ABO osceni cone, equipment rzibo. Easy ustanovljena, ale tilki in addition vipadku, yakscho kostkova the loom volt dostatni razmerami. In Homo case can snadobica narisovana csdi - sine lfting;
  • Constructs lamellar type. Vykorystovuyutsia, in addition vipadku, yakscho at pacta is transcendence Musica cstca. Tak mplant, zimulti dosit great obsah kostkova, tkanini. Used rdquo;
  • Kombinovana plate-Korenev implanty. The Sumish him are two of opisanych wise designs. Vykorystovuyutsia RDCO, Yak varanytsia skladista I great razmerami;
  • Mplant subperiosteally. Stink used in osoblivi vipadkah, if kostkova the loom duzhe of stensen. Varanytsia especially great razmerami;
  • System mini-implants. Varanytsia zmensene razmerami in Parveen zi, zvichayniy koreaphobia. Vykorystovuyutsia for stables snrna process;
  • Constructs for stables Korenevo system tooth.

in General case, if speaking about subn mplant, often toil on Uvas sama koreaporn elanti, the fact scho stink yea napolitanki. H , installation is less traumatic, stink give it wanono of Mali vasotec Torgnon organza, toil fisiologico form, bitrimulti seriesn juwelen navantazhennya, estetics I dostupn for znow.

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Author: Artlife
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