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Plaine vocabulary: teepee I ViDi kupalnik

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Sviy dealine swimsuit, sniti not so simple. , We offer You snimiti s “plainin the words" can the same VIN, DOPOMOGA have vincenn dealu. Fashion beach paparatskvetka the same law. The law Tsey - sexualist. The main zavdannya swimsuit in fact, dwellers pacility seksualnosti. Designers, PowerChute on beaches secret swimwear, sableuse scho TRIGA I stil toil not ostand the meeting place I in this segment modi. Further details mi, razglyadev tipi TA ViDi inochi kupalnik I respost us about them Fedorova A. K. - spivrobitnictva Internet shop: , in yakomu, by the way, you can pridbati modn swimwear for dostupnymi CNAME.


Tipi kupalnik

Swimwear delatsya 2-VA teepee - secret, yaki shte nazivayut sliimy ABO suchlike, I wtkrf, rozdin.

Vidv kupalnik digit more. H classificati in shape LFO. Some ViDi mozhut Buti Yak waketime, so I zakritimi.

Secret vypuskayutsya swimwear in six basic types. TSE:

  • Bando;
  • Maillot;
  • halter;
  • tank,
  • plunge;
  • SVM-dres.

BCN, bandeau, halter, tank I otkriti SVM-dres otnosatsa to vakrita models kupalnika.

Previou vakrita kupalnik - those scho stink dozvolyayut, skladate RSN ansambl. Color, style, NavNet drapery that a different decor but spruyt tilki.


ViDi kupalnik:

  • Bands. TSE rsdavid swimsuit bandeau: top without writelock. Vdnt , those scho LF bands, Dowse I can, dogoditi mayzhe up to tal;
  • Bandeau. Tsey swimsuit Mauger Buti Yak otkritim, so I zakritim. Bretel on LF vdst. Yea, Waranty bandeau s thin strap scho yde od center I head'yazuyut on si. LF Mauger Buti efecto draparis ABO aflati him stroke;
  • BKN. Naybilsh popularni kind of swimsuit. To Demba nalezyty blesst Rozdilna kupalnik scho varanytsia SOSM small panties I vozikis bra W thin straps;
  • Mayo. Taku nazvu got klasicni sakriti swimsuit. Characters for Mayo prisunic britel first round, Chi square V-podbi vers. Mayo good wyglada mayzhe on whether yakih fgur I pidhodit Yak for Docenko, so I to take up a sport;
  • Monon. Swimsuit TSE, yaky smoothly vanesty to one ABO to hoho type. He got glibc versi z Boku. The top and bottom of the swimsuit z dnan decorative elements;
  • Plunge. TSE has one kind of swimsuit covered. VIN dirty, sexualni I DOPOMOGA usuale corectati fgura. Has a deep plunge front wires I shte glibly szado;
  • SVM-dres. Odyag for plavannya - inside so we'll say pereklasti addition ViDi bathing suit. Yakscho mi talking about vgcreate SVM-dres, top likely bude halter, and covered in Mayo. Spudnick W bude prisutna in whether yakih model;
  • Tank. TSE Mauger Buti sakriti ., a vgcreate swimsuit. Osoblivosti leotard tank . NavNet schlenkerla straps. Often the tank bude mother - cups for the bust. Chirac bretel good patriat breast, and takozh tank usuale Robit fgure strunsky. Vgcreate tank awla him I panties halter top;
  • Tanks. TSE razdelnogo kind of swimsuit. Mike , riding tanks. Tank I tanks varanytsia mizh him dolginow top, the prot to tanks usually wanasari Topi Yak on the wide, so I vosika on the shoulder;
  • Halter. Bretel this swimsuit head'yazuyutsya (Sastras) on si. Have klasichnae halter bretel Chirac, but also LFI W thin head ascame through shiya Ter otnosatsa to C categor. Swimsuit C model Mauger Buti otkritim I zakritim: LF oboh in vipadkah wyglada odnakovo. Halter vdmn Patria breast, and suzini halter shte th Prahova powrotu Stegen.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: Artlife
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