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Aerosoli pistolet Premr-4

, 02:02
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In our suspilstvo to gazovo zbro? neodnoznachno and, as a rule, savaglio stavlennia. Vlasnici of Gazovik baloncici duzhe often povtoryat, Yak W gidatu stink pridbati and vlasniki of Gazovik pistoletu hawayti h pedal from strong eyes. All TSE 1-Shu cargo POV this s Tim, scho duzhe bandits rdquo afraid podna zasobu Zahist I napadat at the time h zastosuvannya not perestayut. Ale in addition has reason y I critise in vlasnika gazovo zbro?. H the problem is not the fact, that the gas weapon nease ABO slabka, ​​in fact scho stink not mute her koristuvacha.

Aerosole pistolet "Prem courier-4" , sprawing proriva have sper naletale gazovo zbro?. TSE new from tulskogo the plant ‘a + A" Yak policana maximum pcvisit efektivnosti VASO samooborony! By the way, buy "Prem courier-4 VI can Internet MAGAZIN: .

“Prem courier-4” - TSE neimovirna DVI, potezny I zruchni aerosoli pistolet W programslike tactical tennie eksploatacyjnej parameters!

Model zrobleno on snow ultrapopular attach “Prem courier”. Novo modificy Varna:

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Although those scho Novi “Prem courier-4” town demo similar to travmatichny pistolet, LANs on redbana VIN is not uimage, the divice can be freely perenesite I zastosowanie for Zahist svogo zhittya.

Given the weapon not pidhodit to strlib travmatichny a toy, won pratsyuº viklyuchno on peppermint romantic mini-spray BAM.000 18õ55, bespechna for the life of your enemy, ale boundary effektivnih through pavesini VMT trueno recovery - 4.5 ml.

vicorian weapon similar to zvichayniy pistolet, oboronnaia it can be the yakoy hand. “Prem courier-4” nitrocine use together with provou holster.

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Author: Artlife
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