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Scho need to know about alcohol?

, 11:59
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VSI know scho bagato piti - Scalia, but if the “world” switch into “many” definitely not know nhto, that for a start it viznitsa, in yakih doses of alcohol can dopomogty, and in yakih only to Skoda. About prices, respost editor of the portal .


Alkoholin NAPA nazivajut mcnie, often mauchi on Uvas those scho alcohol SgrA, nevertheless this is not so SOSM

When you really will halogen Corin tilki 50 ml Gorski. TSE roscherite, sodini I normalso krovopotere. All scho bude vipit hope dozy for this reason, only three target lusu heat that rakhunok scho poselitsya krovatki to ski. This means TSE, scho poselitsya Teploobmen I to pocne koloroutis has likely.


Some uvajaut scho alcohol poilu appetite

Naspravdi TSE otnositsa only up to 20-25 ml of cognac or hoho mclogo satiated, vypitogo for 15-25 minutes until I. At low doses, alcohol really vpliva the center nasienna I active Yogo, ale, drink it in advance, not pid hour j. Z hogo Bock, alcohol, Wapiti namesize, duzhe scalisi for slizova slonka, scho shared storage - ABO zarplati gastritis, or bootie without the appetite (yaky, Yak known that I myself come pid hour j).


Spirt NAPA it is possible to use the Yak antidepressant

for example, after napreyenko rabochego day, only dose not guilty perepisyvat 20-30 ml Gorski, brandy brand ABO ABO 150 ml of wine. A large dose lachey poilu wtamu I Veda to depress ABO to alcoholno afar, nasci yakih Dalek from snata stresu, zaradi yakogo, properly, napi I CCB of Wapiti.


Malenic dozy alcohol SDAT rasshiryat, sudini

TSE's true, but odnochasno s CIM caste pochine bitica heart, od yakogo, bezposrednio saleit arterially tisk, same to alcohol, vsuperech of polirani dumtsi not snigu Yogo I don't zastosovuyutsya Mauger Yak LCI when gperson.


Mcni alcohol takozh not Mauger Buti Lomi when tasted, VIN is not pgvisu mounted I not fighting z chlorobutane bacteria

Only alcoholic napi, that we Primate pid hour colds - TSE pdhra wine. We are small klastech vono stimulu munnu system organza.


Some uvajaut scho Mauger alcohol pcvisit prezentatsii

Sadati though the krilat the phrase “no plyashki not razbiraeshsya”, promovido in cogni slusny nagod. I thought wrong. Malenic dozy alcohol pasilyte shvidki of ruhovich, and also razumovich reactions, but the quality of work vikonannya Patna snigula scho kidatsya in Ochi vdras well after proteina.


s One of the most popular pomelos - TSE those scho not yea alcoholic beer napom

Vrse, VSI know scho beer - TSE alcoholic napi, spremute not tilki Yogo seryozno, watauchi scho pair pleasecheck beer (iz vmta alcohol 5-7 %) on the day adnim rank n, sasoditi health of Yu. Although those scho . beer light (soft) napam, vono so very negatively vpliva on Penco I heart Yak I MCN alkoholin Napo.


Well, I of naostanok be called a few more rules:

  • Alkoholin NAPA Pavin bootie accname. Navti nidarosdom brandy mstetice etilovy alcohol, one s products and rozpadu yakogo yea Octavi allegd scho negatively vpliva on nervou system. Scho vzhe say about Deshevo gorleku, domaln of tincture neojidannogo spirt I cheslen alkoholin paroski. They mstats siwon oil, that bagsforsale pasilyte toxico du alcohol;
  • MSN Napo always need zakusyvat, the great clcct fatty garaci I bleed, that prignot smaltovane alcohol in the shelter I spenshult vergent SP annna;
  • Pocasi Petey, pam remember, VI SCHO N TE, DE, SKILKI I Z KIM - I'm clumsy phrase je Golovnin law culture spodivannya alcohol. Wykonawcy Tsey law, VI will otrisovat from alcohol tilki zadovolennya and VIN, turn, on sign podaci podaru You Garni nastri, health I I Dougall.

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Author: Artlife
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