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Podca on tymczasowe accommodation Nosema in Ukraine

, 21:46
0 1954

Podca on tymczasowe accommodation Nosema daº right oftime nahodites in Ukraine on Prots rock. Pastavi for producing podci visnech the Ukrainian legislation. H prelc also prebaceni have rozdl Law of Ukraine "About legal status nozems". 

yakih vipadkah mozliwe nadanna podci on the living?

Zaymatysya oformleny that prodovzhennja posven required Svojanov. Document Vidalia on obmezheniy terms — one year. After zakonchena tsogo period, VIN Mauger Buti prodoljenii school for taqiy sama terms, ale tsogo for neohd second reason. If posven atrimana, passport Nosema bude regulations stamp, that nes npharmacy about Pastavy zahajena for this reason individuals Create nayavnost in ne vudeo document.

For producing the permitted, dosemeci guilty vinciti meta, s to yakoy VIN pribyv in Ukraine. Vaughn mill pastaway to oformlennoe tymczasowo podci. Respectively the law on the status nozems, right oformlyat Tsey document toil of gromadyan that pragoti proivate in Ukraine s so meta:

  • bazhannia pratsevlashtuvannia;
  • the
  • Voss datesa s relatives;
  • the
  • pracovat in skladi organization relgios spravania;
  • the
  • Namir nauchatsya;
  • the
  • meta zaymatysya science, korrespondentskaya DALnet.

Osnovne ATAPI producing podci on accommodation in Ukraine:

  1. First of all, you need bod? Pdet second pastavi for producing this document that zaruciti the Zgoda primalco side.
  2. the
  3. all Necessary tax document in Ukrainian Consulate I docekati pokey you vgcreate nazionalny VSU.
  4. the
  5. Dali yde bezposredni peralt ABO perezd on ukra?nsku territory, de vie, primarily, oformlyat reigning restrats (ie zahodite more precise meeting place de vie will to live, I podolece about TSE derjav) and zbirali neohd for legalthis document I Dowdle.
  6. the
  7. Not later than using putora msata, VI podate the whole package sbrana documents in najblizsza mgrzen service on razgledanja.

it is worth noting, scho zakonodavstvo Ukrainy peredacha stahovania Mita for nadanna podci on accommodation, and also prodovzhennja tsogo permitted. If all beseparate Bulo zrobleno wrno, oformiti pouco VI you can inside of in one to three month. In Razi, if Sered documents will Levlen Nedeli ABO netochnosti, podavati application dovedetsja school one time.

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Author: Artlife
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