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Brand Medical Zein Obagi (ZO Medical): kosmetika z farmaceutycznej results

, 12:21
0 2056

Zein Obagi Medical - TSE brand cosmetics for doglyadu for screw, that vypuska Ptotal us-kanadsko farmaceutyczno compan Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., scho speculate on virobnictvo cosmeceuticals.

Perche, scho Varto nobility about this brand, TSE those scho Yogo basically klinichna spraymount - borotba s gephart, treatment acne I homologous pledge.


the History of the brand ZO Medical

Spochatku company Obagi Medical Products Bula had founded in 1991 year Zane Obagi (dermatologist iz USA) pid how Nassau - WorldWide Products, Inc. From 1997 master Obagi sold sviy business, and the Novi vlasnici pereimenovali company in honor of zasnovnika I author Perche lne products and - Obagi Blue Peel, Obagi NuDerm and takozh. However, American likar, s great clay s Beverl Hlls - sloiv frontman of I ‘Oblapenko” compan Obagi Medical Products wanono nadovgo: vzhe in 2007 rotsi VIN zasnova NSW company ZO Skin Health, Inc., Yak takozh Seimas rozrobka cosmeceuticals.

Bodycult scho cause retrevo steel dialogon Robbins: Obagi hotw to do focus on rosrob bezretsepturnyh zasobu, that b is residual dopolnila Yogo concept zdorovo SCRI ale vlasnici Obagi Medical Products does not patronale Qiu day. Obagi Medical Products does vigorito had made Zane Obagi, although today he critico h Yak zastarel the I “that is not budut the spirit of the hour”. Ale not we will zabuvati scho lcary still need, prodavati vzhe Nova cosmetics. By the way, in Ukraine pridbati products can in Internet MAGAZIN


Flosofa Obagi

One of devsw brand - TSE Obagi for Life. The company posicao yourself “oversaline”: cosmetics Obagi storytime for whether yakogo VCU for vsih tips SCRI I for vsih races. CIM developers from samlaut about svo? of priorities - beautiful health on estimation scru for skin spojovacia their products and.

Products otnosatsa to the class of cosmeceuticals I h efektivnosti patwardhan vdovij docey.

Brand realno DBA profesio about his reputation. TSE profesin cosmetics, Yak got terapeutyczny potential rasshifrovat yaky often not dovrat on Rossum spozhivachiv. Cosmeceutics zasobi Obagi, primarily, poteryatsya through lcars-dermatologo, plasticnih hurgv, Trammel SPA-kurorti I kosmetologov.

Nonetheless, in portfel preparatu compan , takozh ser for domashnyoho hotel, although spivrobitnyky compan all one stiati for h rozpisywania through autorizaban Canali.

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Author: Artlife
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