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Treatment of tymczasowej (Molochnik) SUBW

, 22:21
0 3247

Regularne vdduv dentist dopomozhe Svojanov raspanti problems s tymczasowej teeth I vchasno to spend protection lcould procedure.

If Molochniy tooth uragani Karam neglible, treatment can oboitis production plombe (h photos ABO hemochromatosis sqleonardo material, that dealno pidhodit Yak for treatment of tymczasowych, so I posting SUBW), and if ruynuvan tooth more glyboke I destroyed the pulp (Sudano-nerwowy beam Seredin tooth), it is necessary, provoditi treatment of korenevich kanalu.

Korenev Canali Molochnik SUBW lambousa special lkovalenko pasta, Yak bude rozsokhuvatka together with rassmotreny roots Molochnik SUBW. Takeo planuvannya not savage progresywny posting SUBW. After the completion treatment canal on the tooth to be postijno seal, and not I tymczasowa crown.

For holding vsogo rate treatment uskladnenie cars timchasovogo tooth will need 2-3 vddon. USPH treatment subv have kids bagato in chomu zaleite from h Povedniki at the dentist, that ditinu necessary right nastupati, bezposrednio to Vito to lcara. By the way, in CIV wilkowice cars Molochnik subv possible in Stomatolog "Maydent": .

  • Perch timasov, ABO “Moloch”, zoubi z are from parenting from WC 6-9 months - TSE zentralen RSS;
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  • 12-15 months proresults juwelen zoubi;
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  • and 1.5 to rock CLA;
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  • up to 2-2. 5 years, ditini got booty 20 of tymczasowych subv;
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  • 5-6 years pochinayut proresults postin zoubi. The stench postupovo sammati timasov. Tsey processes saverese to 14 years.

Tymczasem I postin zoubi mayut'm budovu. Tymczasowy SUBW Ter je Korenev Canali. At world growth postijno tooth root milk postupovo rossokhata first tooth wiped.

Tymczasem zoubi Shilin to quiet zakhvoryuvan scho I postin:

Same fact, for molochnyi teeth need to steriti I sbergami h. Predcasne vtrata of tymczasowych SUBW Mauger vilicity of ssuv I nepravilna preresonance posting SUBW I porsenna formuvannya selep. Not be zabuvati scho molochn zoubi neohd for development of functions juwanna th mtie.

Vtrata perednih of tymczasowych SUBW can lead to despreately psihologichnyh naslov.

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Author: Artlife
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