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Subtleties tie locks in steel doors

, 09:55
0 2625

Any door, especially the front, the basis shall perform the followingovert features:

  • decorative (create a harmonious ensemble with the general direction in the design of the room);
  • organizational (delineation of space, the interior of each other, providing access to them);
  • protection (prevention of popytok unauthorized access to the premises).

From the point of view of the application of these functions, the latter of which is more relevant it is to the input type of the door (in the context of, say, the average apartment or private home). Naturally plays an important role reliability of the door leaf toOtori now trying to make steel sheets, but are no less important reliability and design of the lock. Only this combination can guarantee reliable protection. Technology tie-lock the steel door is slightly different from a similar operation on the wooden door leaf (and as material is different). This operation for qualityimplementation of course require the presence and participation of a qualified professional, but, in principle, can be carried out and on their own. By the way, in Moscow in the metal doors will help the company "Castles-Service". As a rule, the operation consists of the following steps:

  • evaluation of the design of the box ETEri, the selection mechanism necessary for the design and size of the castle;
  • pre-marking the point of connection to the castle door cloth and a box;
  • Cut holes for the housing end and side - to its core;
  • fitting and final ficsation design.

Of course, each type of locking mechanism, has its own characteristics, to be followed for its high-quality, smooth and reliable operation.

Author: Artlife
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