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Lenses for 1 month "for" and "against»

, 20:36
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The choice of lenses – responsible mission. It – your chance to retainit visual acuity and reduce the risk of the emergence and development of eye diseases. On what factors to consider when choosing a contact lens? And what validity is considered the best?

The validity of contact lenses . Duration of lens wear – controversial issue. Some spetsialisYou argue that the best option lenses for a period of 3 to 6 months. It – Save time and money for each client. But there is another point of view. According to her, – the best solution, because you can avoid wear lenses. &Laquo; The problem for many patients is that they forget the day they bought lenses. As a result, many wearingt lenses designed for 3 months to victory – while the eyeball is not inflamed, and his eyes begin to oven & raquo ;, — note ophthalmologists. With contact lenses for a month, you can avoid such gaffes – you can change lenses once a month – daily wage, for example.

Price inmillet . The cost of contact lenses – Another stumbling block. For many Ukrainians contact lenses for 100-200 hryvnia – real luxury. But on the other hand, it is your health that is not worth saving. Especially because today you can pick up a wide range of contact lenses at an affordable price on a portal «House Optics & raquo ;:.

For every taste . Currently in the catalog « House Optics » every customer can find contact lenses are right for him. Among the presented products:

- stigmatic;

- torics;

- multifocal;

- colored;

- tint contact lenses.

Thanks to them, you can not only improve vision, but also to emphasize their individuality!

purchase qualitye contact lenses « House of Optics » &Mdash; Give yourself a chance to see the world in all its glory!

Author: Artlife
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