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Artlife Conference: National priority - health

December 10 in Moscow at the conference hall of the "Youth" was held Scientific-practical conference "National priority - health!". Hundreds of Partners of the Company, from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan gathered for this event, so take advantage of a unique opportunity - in one place to get acquainted with the experience of their product Artlife leading experts - physicians Affiliate Network Companies from different regions.

Interest in the conference showed prominent medical researchers academicians Igor Khoroshilov Sergei Rischuk St. - Petersburg, Professor Gennady Temnikov, Moscow. In their speeches they gave the special role of the BAA in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, their indispensability and the importance of the concept of healthy human nutrition.

Representatives of the Company - Vice-President for Science and the production and Vekovtsev Andrew, chairman of the expert council of the Company Stepan Buikin told the participants about current trends in technology development and manufacturing of dietary supplements, directions of assortment policy of the Company.

And of course, great interest was aroused by the practitioners, partners - Alla Solodilova Moscow, Viktor Vovchenko, St. - Petersburg, Olga and Svetlana Puchnin Szeged Lipetsk, Rinat Galimov, Kazan.

Following the conference, will be released the second part of the collection of Physicians for Artlife.
A detailed report of the conference will soon be published on its website and in the magazine "Planet Artlife."

Author: Artlife
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