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Chinese tea collection Jing Lun

, 10:07
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China is considered one of the largest producers, users and exportingjers tea in the world. It is a country with a rich, ancient history and traditions, which gave its roots in many areas of Chinese life. This also applies to such traditional activities like tea tree cultivation and preparation of tea beverage. In China alone, there are many species and subspecies of tea, techniques of cooking. It produces the most elitevarieties of tea in the world.

One of these, perhaps the most well-known not only in China but in the world, is green tea. His homeland is considered the eastern coastal province of Zhejiang. Himself tea leaves are harvested and prepared exclusively by hand, which leads to its value and the high cost of the mental andfinancial plan.

For tea collection Lung Jing used the tops of the shoots of the tea tree, with the top two leaves. It is estimated that one kilogram of the collection can contain up to several tens of thousands of shoots. Given the manual method of cooking at all stages, it is not surprising that he is so much Stoam. Hence the fact that tea sold in small batches. Special technique of roasting different processes and subsequent machining, resulting in tea leaf Lung Jing acquires a peculiar and unique tenderness.

The mixed beverage has a yellow-green color, awesome godAttiyah, aroma and taste. In addition, it is more of other kinds of tea is rich in vitamins, amino acids and catechins.

Author: Artlife
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