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Slim figure: Nutritionists have called 7 secrets
03 July 2017   15:10
0 2355

Slim figure: Nutritionists have called 7 secrets

Nutrition is the branch of medicine which involves a set of laws on proper nutrition. Specialist in this industry is organizing the food.

Hernia of the spine and fitball: What you need to know?
02 July 2017   19:51
0 2383

Hernia of the spine and fitball: What you need to know?

Fitball and hernia are closely linked, since the use of the gymnastic ball in this disease is very common.

The conduct of clinical trials in Ukraine
02 July 2017   01:41
0 2536

The conduct of clinical trials in Ukraine

What is a Keogh (or CRO) than they booolshaaayaaa and why Ukraine is an interesting place for clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies from around the world.

Clinical research drugs: Basic types
01 July 2017   23:03
0 2760

Clinical research drugs: Basic types

Clinical research is a necessary stage in the development of a want a new drug or expanding the indications for use are already known to doctors medications.

Courses of SEO or what it means to promote a website in the Internet content decides everything
01 July 2017   19:58
0 2383

Courses of SEO or what it means to promote a website in the Internet content decides everything

As the text affects the growth position of the website on the Internet? What should be the content on the website that would get on first place in Google search engine?

Smart TV console shcho TSE?
01 July 2017   14:57
0 2460

Smart TV console shcho TSE?

in the modern TV set je najpopularniju pobutovoi technol. Innovacin model telaviv dozvolyayut pregledati ulubelen TV kanali I baslc informazini, rozvalni portals.

30 June 2017   20:40
0 2605

"Effortless" ― a new drink for weight loss

“effortless” ― it's diet, a delicious product which is based on natural ingredients. It is designed for people who have excess weight.

Thistle oil. Features
30 June 2017   19:55
0 2151

Thistle oil. Features

Thistle Oil — is not only a useful product that can be used as a cosmetic and a drug.

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